Does a restricted diet affect milk supply of a breastfeeding mother? - PLEASE HELP!

Calling out to moms who're currently breastfeeding and working out or who have done this in the past. I'm 8 months pp and am finally recovered from some birth injuries. I put in my new numbers into MFP and set a goal of losing 1 lb a week. My daily calorie goal is 1540 calories. I do factor in 300 additional calories for breastfeeding.

However, since I started this new plan 10 days ago, my milk supply has taken a hit. I'm literally tearing up now because at my last pump, I got not even a single let down. This is from having a major oversupply to start with and having over 500 oz stashed away within the first 12 weeks of giving birth. What is happening? Are my calories too low? Or do I need to hydrate more?


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Try everything. Up the calories, drink more, get some rest, de-stress a little. Once your milk starts flowing again, you can try calorie counting again but add a couple hundred calories a day.

    I am well past breast feeding but I have sharp memories of a very stressful 24 hours when my milk stopped flowing. Lots of tears for everyone. My LaLeche coach advised me to get some sleep and that was enough to get me flowing again.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I found that I had to play around with my calories to find the right balance for me. 500 extra calories was too much (I started gaining weight). If I remember right, around 300 extra calories was enough to maintain supply and allow for a modest weight loss (0 - 0.5 lbs per week). But it took some trial and error to figure out what worked for me. You could always try increasing your calories some and see if that helps. Staying hydrated always helped me, too. There are so many factors, and it can be tough to pinpoint the cause of decreased supply. Have you changed the little membranes on your pump flanges lately? Can make a huge difference. Has your period returned? My supply always took a huge nosedive just before my period showed up (and it always returned afterward)? Not enough sleep? Extra stress? I can definitely relate. It was around 7-8 months with my first that my supply started decreasing. I'd had an oversupply in the beginning, too. But I did go on to pump until 12 months, and then I kept breastfeeding until nearly 30 months, so don't give up hope.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Thanks for your replies!

    KHaverstick, I was gaining weight at 500 additional calories as well but my supply was doing well but at 300 calories, it has been hit. Maybe I'll add 100 more calories and see where that goes. I'll definitely try replacing my pump flanges tonight. I'm also trying brewers yeast tablets and More Milk Plus capsules. It is so hard to not get frustrated :neutral_face:
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Brewers yeast definitely helped me. I baked it into cookies. Didn't taste great, but I did notice a boost in supply. Good luck!
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited February 2015
    I was never able to lose weight breastfeeding even though I was eating 1300 calories and making 75+ ounces of milk a day. Some women's bodies are really sensitive to changes in calorie intake, stress, TOM, and so forth. You may need to increase your calorie intake and do less intense workouts. Also, try to add more water! And I know this will be hard but try to get more sleep/rest.

    You can also try adding in extra pumping sessions throughout the day. The more you nurse/pump the more you body thinks it needs to produce. It is generally recommended that you nurse/pump every two hours around the clock until you have a good supply established.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Someone may have suggested this. I'm on my mobile so didn't read all. I had twins and my pediatrician actually suggested a beer once a day to increase milk supply. It worked like a champ.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    We don't know your current body fat, and milk production has a lot more variables than reduced calories equals lack of milk, in a day.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I totally had a hard time maintaining a supply while trying to lose weight... and I could have fed all the babies on the block at any other time. If I was to go back and attempt it again, I would try my very hardest to wait until baby was at a place where I was comfortable reducing the amount of milk and increasing table foods.

    I found no-bake oatmeal cookies and loads of water bumped my supply up when I went on a restrictive diet and tanked my milk supply.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Oatmeal and one dark beer (at night, when it had time to get out of my seystem before the next feeding) helped a bunch. Definitely stay hydrated. I also took a hit right before my period came back; not sure if yours has or not but that can affect it, too.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    It's normal to experience a reduction in supply around the 8 month mark. Especially if you've started feeding your baby solids. That, in addition to a reduced calorie intake, will affect your supply. Do you still have your 500 oz stash? If you feel like your baby isn't getting enough you can start dipping into that...