Need exercise ideas, with several temporary limitations

LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
edited February 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Up until a few months ago, I was either running or cycling on average 3 times a week, was doing a cardio class once a week, and was doing strength training 2-3 times a week. Over the last months, two separate things happened:
- a tendonitis on my foot, which firts meant no cycling, then made running hard, and now I am back to just walking and apparently not yet ready to resume running :(
- because of a gynecological issue which will probably lead to surgery in a few months, I have also become anemic. I just realised today after my dr order tests that this is why these last weeks I cannot barely complete a set of push-ups and why I feel just weak all the time. I started taking iron supplements, but there is no quick fix, it will take a while.

So, I am getting easily tired and I need to rest my foot. The combination is driving me crazy. I need ideas for exercise that is lower intensity, and letting my foot rest. Pilates comes to mind, but I have tried it several times over the years, and I just find it boring. Swimmign is not an option right now, because of the gynecological isseu which causes heavy and prolonged bleeding and would keep me away from the pool a lot.
I know it is all temporary, but I cannot just spend the next several weeks sitting on the couch. I am only 40 and it makes me feel like I am 100!


  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Resistance bands and hand weights? Belly dance?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    What about yoga instead of pilates? It might be a good idea to practice those breathing and relaxation techniques heading into a surgery. Pilates can for sure be boring but it might be the best thing for you - after surgery the recovery time can really cost you in terms of muscle mass so the more can you do now the better you'll be afterwards.

    Also (amazing how many people I see on here with a sore foot) I recently learned to roll my sore foot around on a soup can and it makes a real difference. I don't think I have tendonitis but I do get a lot of pain, tightness, and cramps in the sole of the foot.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Up to the point it doesn’t hurt your foot, I’d do heavy weight lifting. This is an opportunity for you to build some strength (especially as your iron levels come back).
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    Up to the point it doesn’t hurt your foot, I’d do heavy weight lifting. This is an opportunity for you to build some strength (especially as your iron levels come back).

    Completely AGREE!