Anyone with similar goals in mind?!

STATS: Female
Age- 29
Weight -209
GW -140
Height -5'3"
3- Kids
1- Husband

My Goals!!!

1. ONEderland
2. Lose 10% of my body weight, 20.9 pounds.
3. Wear, comfortably a size 14.
4. Lose total of 20% of my body weight, 41.8 pounds.
5. 30" Waist Measurement (not sure where this fits in chronologically, but It's still a goal!!! )
6. See 160 pounds on the scale by my 30th Birthday!!!! Dec. 8th. (Haven't seen this # since High School! )
7. Be at my ultimate goal weight, 140 pounds by Mother's Day 2014.

That is 69 Pounds I need to shed and I have 349 days to do it! Almost 50 weeks. If I can average even a 1.5 pound weight loss each week, I'll beat that goal. IT IS TIME TO GET HEALTHY! :D

Ohhh, and here is my bio!

I am a 29 year old wife and momma. We've got three little ones at home and I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home with them. I want health and great nutrition to be a big priority for my young family, and I want to be the first to start living a more active lifestyle!

Kids grow up fast and learn from us, so I want to get on the right path while they're still young and impressionable!! *wink :D

Why I want to get in shape
I want to be the best me I can be....and I want to be an inspiration for other people who are working toward getting healthy and or staying healthy. I don't want my weight/self image to hold me back from doing anything and going anywhere..I've also got to be able to keep up with my kids! I think I would be a better happier wife and mom if I felt good about what I was doing for my health and our future! :D

My Inspirations
Jessica Vaughn, you're awesome girl!!!


  • jmackensen

    I love how well thought out and similar your goals are to mine. I'm 27, a wife and a new mom. My daughter is 15 weeks old and I really want to get back into shape. I've been overweight most of my life and my weight has yo-yoed all through my 20s. Going through my pregnancy I realized how important exercise and nutrition was to me and how I took it for granted that I could exercise any time I wanted. So I'm rededicating myself to bettering myself. I want to be a happy person, a content wife and a good mom. I know that I really need to start with myself in order to accomplish those goals. That being said, I'm really looking for friends with the same goals in mind that can help to keep me accountable. If you're interested, please feel free to add me.
  • shana4169
    shana4169 Posts: 7
    STATS: Female
    Age- 30
    Weight- 199
    GW- 135
    Height- 5'4
    2 kids
    1 fiancé

    We have similar goals. I am trying to lose 10% at a time and want to reach my ultimate goal by Aug 5, 2014 (my b-day). I wanted to lose it all by my 30th b-day, but I was 8 months pregnant and now I have a 10 year old and an 8 month old! We thought I couldn't have anymore children and were blessed to have a surprise baby. My fiance and I have been together for 7 years and plan to wed in 2014. I was a teacher and now am a full time stay at home mom.

    My secret goal is to be in a one digit size.....for the rest of my life. I was thin many, many, many years ago, but have struggled for the past few years. Having a baby at 30 was much different than having a baby at 20. I didn't bounce back like I did 10 years ago. I'm new to this site and am looking for someone who is motivated and ready to drop this weight for good. I just began a Paleo lifestyle and will be walking, using the elliptical, and also taking group fitness classes at the gym. I say my goal weight is 135, but as I begin losing and see what my body looks like I may change it to a higher weight. I am naturally curvy and want to keep some of those curves! My goal is to be fit, have energy, and have fun playing with my kids! Looking and feeling hot will also be nice!