New Here

Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am new here on myfitnesspal. I was hoping by joining it would inspire me to work harder at achieving my weight loss goal.


  • foxlme
    foxlme Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome aboard, Rebecca! :)
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    Welcome! :-)
  • NeedMoreJava
    NeedMoreJava Posts: 11 Member
    Glad to have you here, Rebecca. Feel free to add me, if you like.
  • natty07
    Hi all. Been on here before but somehow I slacked in adding my info. Now back on track. Doing the diet chef and this is my first week on it. Really enjoying the foods they sent me and it's helping me to learn portion control plus I was getting bored cooking. My sons has autism which is hard when he wants the same foods and it's just us two. Needed a much needed boost in my cooking so I took the plunge and started the diet chef. It's showing me different recipes I can have although my son don't eat half of it but I'm not missing out on my fav foods lol he eats plenty of salads which is a great help to me lol. I wish you all the best in what you are doing. Keep your goals in focus. You can do it xx
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Welcome! I've been on for 160 days, and am down 29.3 pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like