5"6 women GW and CW - how many calories are you eating?!



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,570 Member
    46 yr old, cw = 147, gw = 140? I eat 1925 on a cut. I don't really care if I lose weight so much as get rid of a bit of my bf while getting/keeping strong.

    Oh nooo, I read bf as boyfriend :dizzy_face:
    I guess writing I'm nearly 41, and behaving like that age are completely different things.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    samchez0 wrote: »
    CW 200-205
    GW 140

    My calories are set at 1800 and I typically eat around 2500. Working down to 1800 has been difficult for me. My portion sizes are definitely my biggest issue.

    If you lose weight eating 2500, keep at it. If not then slowly work your way down 100 cals every week or two, monitor your weight loss. If you lose then stay on that number and monitor, then stay on it until you stop losing. Probably the best way to go about it so you can keep eating as much as possible
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    CW: ~160 (haven't weighed in weeks)
    GW: 140-145, at least for now. Ultimate goal may end up having to be closer to 135 but I plan on stopping at 140-145 and then maintaining a bit, then bulking, then cutting back down.

    Cals: Normally 2200 gross, at 2000 gross this week because i"m not exercising. Goal is ~half a lb a week or less for loss. I may lower my gross goal to 2100 but I'll see how I look and feel at the end of the month.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    edited February 2015
    36yo, 5'6
    SW - 274
    CW - 170
    GW - 150

    I eat around 1400 calories a day give or take. This has decreased slowly as my weight has. I've lost it all on diet alone. Going to start lifting soon though.
  • winterWind341
    winterWind341 Posts: 24 Member
    SW: 165
    CW: 134
    GW: 126
    I might not go that low or I'll go lower but not under 121 That's for sure ☺️. I eat anywhere from 1200 to 1400 depends on how much Im moving that day and how hugry i am
  • beets4us
    beets4us Posts: 57 Member

    Cals-1450. I eat back my exercise calories. I fluctuate a lot, might be 2000 one day, 900 the next. But it tends to even out by the end of the week.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    So many people following MFP method and not eating back any exercise calories makes me sad
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    So many people following MFP method and not eating back any exercise calories makes me sad

    Me too. There needs to be like... a HUUUUGE blinking sign written in angry red letters when people sign up saying "IF YOU USE OUR WEBSITE-GENERATED CALORIE INTAKE NUMBERS, YOU MUST LOG AND EAT BACK AT LEAST HALF OF THE EXERCISE CALORIES PROVIDED"

    Maybe an annoying pop-up instead of that annoying survey can show up reminding people to eat back their cals.