Does gallbladder removal cause weight gain?



  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    It has been 5 months since the surgery.. Can confirm, it does not affect your ability to lose weight at all..don't know where all these rumors came form.. I do not have any digestive problems either.
  • Blondiez73
    Blondiez73 Posts: 33 Member
    lavendah wrote: »
    Getting a surgery for gallbladder removal this week..
    Had no idea about the weight loss thing unless I heard it from a friend and subsequently googled it.And bam.Countless people crying about how they have uncontrollably put on leaps of weight no matter how much and what they eat and what kind of lifestyle they have..
    The reasoning is that since gallbladder no longer helps in the breakdown of fats,the fat gets accumulated.. Doesn't make much sense to me because doesn't that imply that eating fat = getting fat..

    But this is indeed scary and I'm questioning my decision (though there is no going back now).

    Want to know the experience of all gallbladderless people.

    No. Get it out if you need it out. I had mine removed a couple of years ago and it was one of the best things I've could've done. Your liver will still secrete bile to break down fats, it just won't be stored in a pouch (gallbladder) instead it will empty into your intestines. Your doctor should have went over this with you at your appointment. Yes, fat does make you fat. Many things can make you fat though. You eat too many calories you can get fat. You eat too much fat it can make you fat, etc. Not having a gallbladder won't make you fat. A gallbladder doesn't have an appetite, but a human does though. Don't be sad. It really was not that bad of a procedure. Hopefully you will feel so much better, as I did. I certainly do not miss being in pain for hours on end after eating a heavy fatty meal. That, I do not miss and I am glad it is out.

  • Jillish23
    Jillish23 Posts: 226 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had mine removed as an emergency approximately 13 years ago. It wasn't the removal of my gall bladder that caused my weight gain over the years, it was eating more than I burned (proven by my healthy weight loss since joining MFP).

    On a personal note, I have to eat as soon as I'm up in the morning or I can feel pretty unwell by later in the day. Also can't eat a lot of fatty foods because this triggers an upset stomach too. I wasn't given any advice or guidance after I had mine removed and suffered for years before getting things *relatively* under control. ❤
  • 1966spen
    1966spen Posts: 33 Member
    Having my gallbladder removed is best decision I ever made. No more nights ruined and ending up in A & E. Had attacks about once a month but really bad. Now absolutely fine. Took about 6 months to settle and now lost 23 lbs in 6 months.