Atkins/Low Carbers where are you?

I'm just getting started and I've been reading up on it, but it would be nice to hear from other beginners and experienced Atkinites.


  • fabianmendez93
    fabianmendez93 Posts: 24 Member
    i thought atkins was a brand that sells snacks, meals and drink etc?! not a diet plan hah
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I tried atkins a while ago. I struggled to stay on it. I now follow paleo, which is still low carb but i don't have to restrict my fruit and veggies. It does work though you will get great results!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Lol, no.
  • Rockmaker
    Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
    I was thinking of the paleo for the next phase, after I drop some pounds.
  • starryskies89
    starryskies89 Posts: 35 Member
    I eat low carb (most of the time) I haven't followed Atkins or any specific diet. Maybe I would align closely with Paleo eating? But I eat cheese and dairy and they do not. I feel we don't need a label, sometimes people get so caught up in saying what they are. I love low carb eating! You have to feel it out and see how it makes you feel. I feel amazing when I restrict my carbs. My body isn't swollen and I feel light and healthy. Eating whole unprocessed foods is my main focus, I get plenty of good fats and some carbs from fruit or sweet potato.
    I have heard good things about Atkins as well, but I always get put off by complicated diets and phases. I just follow some basic guidelines.
    I've been on this forum awhile, but usually just as a reader. I think Low Carb diets get a bad rep on here, as many people feel that macro counting with a moderate to high carb level is the best way to lose weight for everyone. I don't discount that this may work well, but I also believe there are many ways to get things done, low carb is the way of eating that makes me feel best. Good luck to you! If you need specific advice let me know.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    You'll get more help and support down in the Low Carb forum.

    The New Atkins plan isn't nearly as restrictive as the original plan was.
  • Rockmaker
    Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks Starryeyes!

    And thanks for pointing me in the direction of the Low Carb forum kuranda!
  • I started Atkins a little over a month ago ;)