
Hello! I'm 5'1" and 150 lbs. I need to lose 30 lbs to be healthy. I would really like to reach that goal. I've been trying to lose weight all my life but I'm doing something wrong and it won't come off! I just looked in the mirror before taking a shower and my stomach is humongous!!! Although, I did eat a lot tonight... So that has some to do with it.. But in general it's just really big and it disgusts me and idk what to do. I just want a small tummy. Also my arms are kinda flabby and my thighs are big as well... I would really like a motivation buddy and a weight loss buddy as well. Someone please tell me what to do!! Please and thank you!!!! :)


  • sammi_williams
    sammi_williams Posts: 24 Member
    Try to change your attitude. Its a tough transition; its hard when you beat yourself up. Try to find something positive about your body every day, even if its just something small. Once you start loving yourself a bit more, its easier to be healthy, because you can't be healthy if you're just going to go back to eating badly and putting yourself down.
    Find something fun that you enjoy; for me, I enjoy hip hop dancing and its helped me drop 15 pounds already in just a few months.
    If you need motivation, feel free to add me. I know how it feels to not like the way you look, but it does get easier, promise. :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Read the Announcements at the top of the message board threads. There is great information in them for getting started.

    If you haven't had success in the past it's probably because you weren't eating less calories than you were burning. Start out by simply logging everything you eat. Every single thing. Weigh solid foods using a kitchen scale and measure liquids that can't be weighed. Don't underestimate calories eaten or overestimate calories burned in exercise. You're only cheating yourself if you try to play with the numbers or pretend you didn't eat as much as you probably did. Logging everything makes it easier to see where you can make simple changes that have a big impact.

    Baby steps are key. Don't try to change your entire life overnight or you're bound to end up frustrated and overwhelmed and miserable and those lead to quitting. Get yourself into the mindset that you're making a lifestyle change and not something that you will eventually finish. Time-based goals for weight loss are bound to lead to "failure". Weight loss is not linear and you will lose pounds faster at the beginning than at the end.

    Start strength training as soon as possible. In my opinion it's more important than doing cardio. It is much easier to maintain the muscle you already have than to build new muscle. When we lose weight it is a combination of water, fat and muscle. Strength training helps to retain the muscle you already have and your body has built up a lot of muscle mass to move around your extra weight. If you can keep that muscle as you lose weight you're going to look amazing when you've lost the fat that is covering them.

    The measuring tape is a better tool than the bathroom scale for judging your progress. In addition to "Before" pictures, measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs and any other body part you want to track and start recording them in MFP now. When the scale isn't moving your body might still be shrinking especially if you're lifting weights.
  • zorks4ever
    @lauren_frederick‌ I am 5'3" and 165 pounds. My stomach hasn't been this big since I was pregnant. I, too am getting started-again- on losing at least 30 pounds. All the previous suggestions are good ones. Take it one day at a time and only weigh yourself once a week. If you need a pal, friend me. I'll be happy to send over encouragement.