Struggling to eat enough calories!

Hi All :)

I have been doing My Fitness Pal for just over a month now and for the first few weeks I was also doing a Paleo diet. I have stuck by this with the odd exception but mainly sticking to the principles. I have also started exercising much much more and go running about 4 times a week.

However every day without fail I get told of that I am not eating enough when I complete the entry for the day. Each morning I am having 3 eggs either scrambled or in an omelette and will usually add spinach and some cherry tomatoes. Throughout the day I will have a banana and an apple as snacks. For my lunch my wife has been making soups so will have one of them or the leftovers from the previous nights dinner. For dinner I have been cutting carbs out so it has mainly been meat and veg, and when I say veg I mean lots of the stuff! I have been using the recipe importer and using the exact ingredients but I can never seem to get a serving about 400 calories.

Do I need to be eating more or can I continue on 1200 calories per day? Although I only really feel hungry before lunch and dinner and then I am full after.

For reference I have 102 kg and 5ft 11 and in my mid-late 20s.

Since doing the my fitness pal I am lost as to how I could eat 2500+ calories per day!!!


  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    1200 calories is way to low for a man. I would suggest adding some good calorie dense foods to what you are eating. Add some cheese or avocado to your omelets, some nuts for snacks, things like that. It will increase your calories without making you eat a lot more food.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks Amanda, my main worry is that my metabolism will really slow down and will have negative impacts on my weight.

    I am also a bit worried that when I use the recipe importer that it is undervaluing what I am eating.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    1200 calories is way to low for a man. I would suggest adding some good calorie dense foods to what you are eating. Add some cheese or avocado to your omelets, some nuts for snacks, things like that. It will increase your calories without making you eat a lot more food.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm a 46 year old woman, less active that you are, and I lose on 1800-2000 calories a day. You need to eat more. The recipe importer works well, I use it all the time. Double check the entries for each item in the recipe to make sure you're getting the most accurate info, and edit the items as needed.

    To add more calories without piling on mountains food to your plate, avocado, nuts, bananas, nut butters, throw some pinto beans or rice into those soups, use olive and coconut oils....small portions pack in some dense calories.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks Amy, that's great advice.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    More Avacado sounds like the way forward.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    1200 calories is way to low for a man. I would suggest adding some good calorie dense foods to what you are eating. Add some cheese or avocado to your omelets, some nuts for snacks, things like that. It will increase your calories without making you eat a lot more food.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How is your goal set to 1200? Check your settings please.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    It's not my goal. My goal is 1700 calories a day but even with 3 meals a day and snacks I usually end up with about 1200. Because I am eating so much veg with all my meals they are filling me up without really giving me much calories.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    David2788 wrote: »
    It's not my goal. My goal is 1700 calories a day but even with 3 meals a day and snacks I usually end up with about 1200. Because I am eating so much veg with all my meals they are filling me up without really giving me much calories.


    Are you determined to stick with paleo for life because personally I couldn't which would mean for me, no long term maintenance ...

    If you are butter, cream, peanut butters, avocado, cheese, chocolate, oil :smile:

    Or calorie count and introduce carbs back until you have a balanced diet
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    I like the philosophies behind paleo but for me personally I am not sure I could stick with it forever as I do like my carbs. Over the last few weeks I have really been pushing the exercising and personally think that if I continue exercising the way I am I can easily bring in a bit more carbs. For me the best thing about paleo is the increase in veg that I get and the extra vitamins etc. I think the long term plan is paleo at the heart with a couple of exceptions. I have cut dairy out completely apart and really don't miss it to be honest.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    David2788 wrote: »
    I like the philosophies behind paleo but for me personally I am not sure I could stick with it forever as I do like my carbs. Over the last few weeks I have really been pushing the exercising and personally think that if I continue exercising the way I am I can easily bring in a bit more carbs. For me the best thing about paleo is the increase in veg that I get and the extra vitamins etc. I think the long term plan is paleo at the heart with a couple of exceptions. I have cut dairy out completely apart and really don't miss it to be honest.

    If your MFP goal is 1700 and you are currently eating 1200, you have 500 calories that could be carbs and still in your deficit. How much weight are you losing per week (average) on this?

  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    I have been averaging about 1 kg a week. A bit more at the start but now it is between 0.8 and 1kg a week. At the weekends I never have a problem with the calories as that is mainly socialising and drinking which I am trying to not do as often!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    edited February 2015
    Actually I did a quick TDEE calculation on Scooby ( for a 27 year old male (I guessed on age, based on your mid to late 20's) at 225 pounds, 5 feet 11 inches at lightly active your goal of 1700 is low by 500 calories. So at 1200 calories your looking at a deficit by diet alone of 1,200 calories per DAY. There is no way that is healthy or sustainable and in fact is likely to cause some serious damage to your body
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    WOW!!!! I know its not healthy to be eating less and really need to start adding some carbs into my diet
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Here's a link to some healthy calorie dense foods:
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    perfect thanks Amanda.

    Really appreciate it
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    No problem. I hope it helps. And actually I made a math error that 1200 per day deficit is actually higher, because the 2,400 number (on the Scooby site) already has a deficit worked in, so it's an additional 1,200 calorie deficit on top of the 20% deficit already taken to give the 2,400.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    just out of curiosity, if I didn't increase my daily intake by enough then what implication would this have on my weight and health. Just worried that if I start eating lots more calories I will either stop loosing weight or perhaps even put weight on.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    Another way to add more calories to your diet is through beverages.