Need some advice with motivation

Keep starting off really motivated, however the day goes on and I eat all the wrong things, how does everyone manage to overcome this ???? Need to loose about 2 stone


  • bride230514
    bride230514 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm the same I try and keep myself busy at work so I don't snack on bad things during the day
  • michellem124
    michellem124 Posts: 8 Member
    Yep, I can also manage that in the day( well most of the time) however it's night time, maybe I should put locks on food cupboards !!! Lol
  • angel388
    angel388 Posts: 83 Member
    How much water are you drinking? Do you plan your meals in advance?
  • motty1992
    motty1992 Posts: 5 Member
    I used to be the same but I've found that if you plan your meals in advanced (this helps keep down the shopping bill too) have 3 good meals a day and drink water when you want to snack it helps. And if that doesn't work for me I get on my exercise bike.
  • michellem124
    michellem124 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for advice, I must in increase my water intake. Have week off next week, so may have some time to get into the habit of better planning my meals