Workout anxiety :/



  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    I can relate to you plight. I have pretty severe social anxiety *anyway*, and when I decided to join a gym, I ended up paying big bucks to go to a women's gym thinking that would help, but when I got there I was still tweaking about it. But as others have mentioned, most people there are too self-absorbed to pay attention - and also, once you start working out, and getting those endorphins flowing, your anxiety levels will decrease. I also like to remind myself, if I feel self-conscious, whether its at the gym or out for a walk around the neighborhood that even if people *are* looking, they're watching me do something good, something healthy and positive... and not... well, anything other than that. It makes me feel stronger, more confident just to have that attitude.

    Just remember you have tons of support here. :)
  • dlanoux
    dlanoux Posts: 112 Member
    I also have a long way to go, but don't worry about what others think. I just faced it and said to myself....well, I have to start somewhere. That somewhere is here and now!
  • 180in2013go
    Most people are focused on themselves and in reality really aren't focusing on you anyway. Go & do your own thing..
  • angelmom1223
    Don't worry about what other people think. Don't give them the control over you to stop you from you go to the gym if that's what you really want to do. God bless you.
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    I felt something similar last month. I joined a taekwondo class on May 9th. I weighed 324 pounds. The largest man there. Everyone else was experienced (blue belts or higher) and fitter (heaviest guy probably hitting 230 in wet clothes). Everyone was so focused in their own training that no one was watching me. That was my fear. That everyone would be looking at me. After class it was noticed that I didn't give up and walk out. I gave it my all and I was so focused on my training after that, that I wouldn't notice now if anyone was watching or not. I've made good friends their now and look forward to my workouts and classes there.....

    I think it was worded best in a previous post. Most ppl are so self absorbed that they aren't going to notice anything but what they are doing.

    If ppl take notice, let it be because you're trying to do something better for you.

    Good luck with your anxiety. I'm sure you'll defeat it before it defeats you.

    My success + your success = our success
  • ficklesoul
    ficklesoul Posts: 54 Member
    Social insecurities. I can totally relate. Most of the time I know people aren't looking and I know everyone at the gym is busy doing their stuff but I always feel like they're judging me silently. What I did to combat my anxiety was I crank up my iPod real loud to block everything else and focus on my workout. It seems to help. I can't workout without my ipod. And yes having a friend to workout with does seem to help a lot! If it still gives you anxiety, like someone here suggested, try running or brisk walking outside with a friend. There are also plenty effective workout videos you can do at home too. Good luck!
  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member

    Thank you op for this post! <3 I get mega bad workout anxiety all the time. Can totally relate! It is so nice to read this thread and know that most people are having the same feelings. "Knowing is half the battle."