1200 Calories



  • Azathera
    Azathera Posts: 48 Member
    I echo some of the comments above. I, too, have been calculated at a 1200 calorie with MFP, which means that I do have to eat some exercise calories as I feel needed. Also I set up my goal at 0.5 per week at the advice of some amazing people here. They are right about taking it slow. If you starve yourself you will just shock your body. Eventually your body will win (enters surviving mode) and you will eat more than before. So, take it slow and steady and you will be great :)

    As for tips, like everyone already said, aim for good food. The type of food that gives you the nutrients you need at a low calorie count. My diary is also public and you can look for inspiration. That's the beauty of this app :)

    Good luck and keep us posted. We can help with support to reach your goal.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited February 2015
    rosebette wrote: »
    If you are over 40 and smaller, your TDEE is not that high. Even active, my TDEE is roughly 1500-1600 calories. 1200 is not unreasonable for a smaller woman who is sedentary. Even at that level, I would only lose .5 to 1 lb. a week because it's a very small deficit. Our metabolism is much lower than that of younger people due to age and size; this especially true for post-menopausal women. The "1200 calories is too low" rule is not one size fits all.

    Are you purposely ignoring my post? I'm pretty sure 5'3 and 61 years old is a shorter, older, post menopausal woman. And she's been though cancer treatment. Not everyone is like you.

    OP, Setting a 2 pound a week goal when you're short and older is just not going to happen. I'm there myself and it's just unrealistic. If that's what you're doing, switch to 1 pound a week and get more calories to play with. This is especially true because you only have 20 pounds to lose.

    If you work out hard, do eat back half your exercise calories. If you don't work out very hard, then it's fine not to eat quite as much. Go by how much energy you have, you need to fuel your workouts.

    As far as feeling satisfied with eating less? I find that eating a lot of low-fat protein and lots of vegetables keeps me satisfied. I aim to get 100 g of protein a day, eat as many veggies as I can, and sort of let the rest of my macros take care of themselves.

    When you're dealing with a small calorie allotment, cutting a little fat here, and some starchy portions there can make a big difference in your calorie numbers. I try to get as much food volume as I can for the number of calories I take in. I only eat the starches that I absolutely LOVE (like oatmeal) and do without those I don't. I use teaspoons of oil instead of tablespoons. Things like that. Choices like that leave me room to eat larger portions of my veggies, and yogurt and lentil loaf (I'm a vegetarian).

  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    Let MFP work for you, it's designed for you to lose weight - don't create too much of a calorie deficit or you will not be able to maintain it for the long term. It takes time to lose the weight, you can't rush it.

    ^^^This was everything! I am still very new here and I think this was the best advice so far.

  • PurplePogoPunk
    PurplePogoPunk Posts: 14 Member
    I've been on around 1200 calories for about a month now and haven't suffered for it.

    I have a 200 calorie breakfast (usually porridge), 300 lunch (sandwich and a yoghurt), 400-500 at dinnertime so I can eat the same as my partner and still have a couple of hundred left for snacks throughout the day (crisps, cereal bars, yoghurt, fruit)

    I rarely eat vegetables but find protein fills me up and stops the hunger
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Not to throw shade on this discussion, but I read the MFP terms and conditions documents last week when I first entered the forums. There was a specific suggestion to avoid any thread with "1200" in the subject line, and then it went into a very logical justification for that.

    Can you link to where? I was curious so went through the Terms of Use and the Community Guidelines and couldn't find anything about that.

    I would like to see this as well.
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    ....Our metabolism is much lower than that of younger people due to age and size; this especially true for post-menopausal women. The "1200 calories is too low" rule is not one size fits all.
    I sooo agree. At 47, right now when I eat much over 1200, my weight loss rate slows down to a snails pace. I don't believe for a second that 1200 is too low if you are eating mostly highly nutritious food, especially lots of veggies, which are great for filling you up. Heck I even get all my protein requirements and that's with rarely eating animal products.

  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    I have a 1220 calorie allotment and Planning out meals/snacks ahead of time helps me; otherwise, I tend to overeat. Lean protein (chicken breast, salmon, other fish) with a baked potato is great for me for dinner. Add .5-1 tbsp light whipped butter and it really helps to satisfy and fills me up. I can stay under 400 calories for dinner this way.

    For lunch, I use a high fiber wheat bread (40 cal per slice) with turkey breast and that helps make me feel fuller.

    Carrots are a great snack. Also, pop chips and pretzels can be good in moderation. The pop chips feels like a treat.

    For breakfast, Special K protein or cinnamon is great or 2 slices of nature own fiber bread I mentioned above with the light whipped butter and an egg. Both of these are just under 200 caloriws and fills me up.

    Don't let all the negative people on here tell you than 1200 is too low. Everyone is different. If you don't lose weight after a few weeks, then re-evaluate. Good luck!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    edited February 2015
    ... I do not want to eat my exercise calories...
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    To answer the original question without debating whether 1200 is right or wrong, proteins and fats will keep you fuller longer. Chicken, fish, pork, steak, etc. I try to make protein my priority, then carbs and fats, because then I don't feel like I'm starving.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    edited February 2015
    Like the others said, protein and good fat will keep you feeling fuller for longer. My favourite low-calorie snacks are: veggies, olives, beets and pickles. My favourite high-calorie snacks (usually used at the end of the day to reach 1200cals) are: nuts, nut butter, banana, cheese, beef jerky.

    A few of my staple recipes (those are the higher calories, more filling ones):

    Add some pepperoni on top before rolling, and it's like a pizza without the dough :)

    I usually don't use chocolate, but if I had dark chocolate chips I would def sprinkle a few on top!

    I have these often! I top it with some peanut butter melted on top. YUM!

    I have been on 1200cals for 2 months and I lost almost 20lbs. I do feel hungry sometimes, but it's just something that I've learned to get over. Otherwise, I'm going to eat well over maintenance. Make sure that you drink plenty of water, when I am dehydrated I am that much more hungry. I usually don't eat back my exercise calories, unless I am really hungry then I'll have half of them. I also try to make them nutritious.

    Ultimately, I think it's up to you to decide which rate is best for you. I started at 182lbs and 52lbs to lose, so I am okay with this rate since I still have a good way to go.

    It's all about experimenting and finding out what works for you. If you're losing, keep doing what you're doing. If not, tweak until you are and stick to it.

    Every weight loss is different, but it is a matter of CICO. And a matter of sustainability.

    Good luck!
  • machelle04
    machelle04 Posts: 690 Member
    I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for the last two years and I am only 35. I never feel starved but I eat a ton of vegetables and drink tons of water. Good Luck on your goals!
  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    machelle04 wrote: »
    I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for the last two years and I am only 35. I never feel starved but I eat a ton of vegetables and drink tons of water. Good Luck on your goals!

  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    I would love to hear some food ideas from you! I have trouble thinking of meals! Also I get worried I am not entering my food correctly!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Here's a guide that I found right here on MFP that might help you determine how to set your MFP stats.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • Fayeworth
    Fayeworth Posts: 60 Member
    tkouns2015 wrote: »
    I would love to hear some food ideas from you! I have trouble thinking of meals! Also I get worried I am not entering my food correctly!

    Have a look at the recipe section on this site, you will find lots of inspiration there.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Exercise and earn more.
  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    I eat 1200 cal comfortably. If I'm hungry because I worked out hard I'll eat more. Just listen to your bod. I'm gluten free so I find it easy to eat 1200. You can look at my diary if you need some ideas.

  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    machelle04 wrote: »
    I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for the last two years and I am only 35. I never feel starved but I eat a ton of vegetables and drink tons of water. Good Luck on your goals!

    Just curious. Why are you still eating at 1200cals? Are you maintaining or still losing?
  • machelle04
    machelle04 Posts: 690 Member
    I had trouble with entering my foods at first but it gets easier. For breakfast almost daily I have fresh strawberries and pineapple. I keep celery and bell peppers in my mini fridge at my office for snacks. For lunch I always do a salad with no meat. At supper time is my most calories I always have 4 oz of meat, cottage cheese, and a vegetable (raw or steamed). My daughter is gluten free so we hardly ever have bread in the house and it makes my dieting a lot easier. Check out some gluten free menus it might help you!
  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    I love seeing other peoples diary's it helps to see what others are eating daily!