Maintenance is possible long term!



  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Thank you for sharing. It is encouraging to see someone who has successfully made all the changes I am trying to make and maintain them for 10 years! I wanna be you when I grow up. lol
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    Congrats! I'm going into my third year of maintenance after losing 120 in 2012. Maintenance is possible! :smiley:
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    Congrats on 10 years! Thanks for sharing! :smile:
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I absolutely loved this post. It's great to hear that just about all the things that I believe in and do myself in the losing phase really can and do work. You're a real inspiration, thank you!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I am 2.5 years into maintaining a 130 pound weight loss. You and I have very similar approaches to maintenance, except I don't weigh very often. Otherwise: exercise, tracking regularly, and days "off" are exactly what I practice.

    I especially love that you share my belief that loving food is OKAY. It's okay to like pizza, fries, and candy. I love these things but I understand that if I want to weigh what I weigh, I need to eat them in moderation.

    Best of luck to you as you continue to maintain your new, healthy life :)
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    10 Years! Awesome - really great tribute to you and to the possibility to maintain and sustain real change! Great job. I am in a new range myself lighter than I have been in years, and I never want to go back.
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    Great post. I was unsure what maintenance was. I now understand. Thanks
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    this is awesome. congrats OP. good to hear you're doing it to it long term.
  • radiodjgirl8
    I've lost many many times during my life, but have never been able to fully maintain. I just did not know how. I knew how to lose, but not to maintain. This app makes it so much easier for me to track what I eat, but mostly to know what my daily allotment is.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    OP: Congrats on all of your hard work and continued success! This is definitely a post that I will be saving to refer back to when I reach maintenance.

    I'm curious. Are you still weighing/measuring foods now? Or are you able to eyeball it?
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    I love everything you said! I'm only half way to my goal but am already planning for maintenance. Thanks for your great plan!
  • LJL162
    LJL162 Posts: 13 Member
    Great post, I am getting near my goal and you have definitely been an inspiration to know that we can all find what works for us and maintain the weight loss we've all worked so hard for. 10 years that's a great job. :D
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Well done, OP! I haven't kept it off for very long yet... only about a year now, but agree with everything you said and I am doing many of the same things and don't find maintaining hard.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    I'm curious. Are you still weighing/measuring foods now? Or are you able to eyeball it?

    Any day I log, I weigh and measure. Using my scale is second nature.

    On my non-logging days, I will still sometimes weigh out a serving of chips for example, but not fruits/veggies/meat.

  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Congrats! I'm going into my third year of maintenance after losing 120 in 2012. Maintenance is possible! :smiley:

    Wow! Yes it is and in your third you know how true that is :)
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    OP: Congrats on all of your hard work and continued success! This is definitely a post that I will be saving to refer back to when I reach maintenance.

    I'm curious. Are you still weighing/measuring foods now? Or are you able to eyeball it?

    I do. I know people who don't but for me personally I feel like in order to keep a good handle on how much I'm eating I really need to. It really is second nature :D
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    MapDancer wrote: »
    You are just what I needed to read this morning!

    I am 60yo and also 5'2" and have lost 41 lbs. so far. Only 7lb more to go, to reach my goal of 130 lbs. and perhaps even break into the 120s?? This has been my first effort to lose the weight that appeared over the past 15 years. I recently read the dismal stats on maintaining weight loss. I came across the National Weight Loss Registry and your comments mirror several points that most people have in common for successful maintenance.

    Thanks for your summary of successful traits!

    Yes the stats are very dismal and honestly that is why I felt the need to make this post because it is possible! I think part of the problem is that we focus so hard on making changes and losing weight that when we get to that point where we should transition in to maintaenence so many are not fully aware of how to do that. I know I had to learn from trial and error but at no point did I ever give up. You have to keep that same commitment and determination that set you down this road to begin with. Like I said in my post, I sign up for all kinds of races/events and keep my eye on the prize. With goals set it keeps me focused and I'm human, it is easy to lose focus sometimes :D

    On the Weight Loss Registry, I am a part of that :) I've been part of the WLR for five or so years now. I find it one way to help people study weight loss success and possibly find ways to help more people keep it off.

    Congrats on 41 pounds, that is awesome!
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I am 2.5 years into maintaining a 130 pound weight loss. You and I have very similar approaches to maintenance, except I don't weigh very often. Otherwise: exercise, tracking regularly, and days "off" are exactly what I practice.

    I especially love that you share my belief that loving food is OKAY. It's okay to like pizza, fries, and candy. I love these things but I understand that if I want to weigh what I weigh, I need to eat them in moderation.

    Best of luck to you as you continue to maintain your new, healthy life :)

    I love meeting people who understand why I do what I do! I can't tell you the number of times I've been told well you're doing it wrong. For a moment I stop and think ok if I'm doing it wrong then how have I kept all the weight off for this long!?! I actually know a couple of people who are 'trainers' who preach no variation in diet. You eat right and whole 100% of the time and if you go off that plan then you have failed. It is so frustrating because I know it scares people from even starting. I find that so irresponsible and unrealistic! So anyway, congrats on your success too :)
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member
    Congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing your story. Losing weight and keeping it off can be done. As more and more research comes out on how to do that successfully, more and more people will keep it off! I will be one of them!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm 46 years old, five three, 120 lbs and wear a size 8. I hope to stay like this by continuing to log cals and to go to the gym every other day. (off days = walking). I finished getting the weight off at the end of November. I seem to maintain at like 1400 to 1500 cals (I'm hypothyroid and borderline diabetic, which messes things up a bit.) I truly never want to go back to being fat, especially since my blood sugar went downhill!