Starting again and wondering about (DUN DUN DUUUNNN!)... treats?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    seriously, stop applying moralistic terms to food as "good" and "bad"…food is just is not satan, godly, angelic fuels your body ..combine the foods into the right calorie/macro/micro goal for you and you will be good to go...
  • msliz74
    msliz74 Posts: 4 Member
    I add treats into my daily calorie allotment and dont go over. I find that unless its a spectacular, delicious, fabulous treat.. i end up regretting it and thinking of all the things i could have eaten instead and got more food for those calories.
  • PMLeigh
    PMLeigh Posts: 30 Member
    I have been on the yoyo before, and I understand that famine mode you are talking about where even the table leg looks edible. I have followed everyone else's diets and they do work, but not for the long term unless you design your plan to cover the things that take you off track.

    I have completed a diploma in weightloss with Sydney University and am following the wisdom gained from all previous diets and what I have learnt from them, and it seems to be working (says she one month in). Also am qualified in Community Services Work and considering putting together a program for people to form groups to self mentor in this area.

    There is ONE KEY thing you should do; make a list of reasons why you feel you have to lose weight, what are the dangers looming, what will your future be if you don't, what goal can you set and what reward will you give yourself (not food) when you get there; this helps you stay on track. Research the reality of the dangers so it scares you to not go there.

    For me: I am not diabetic, but think I just turned about just in time, my mum has alzhiemers, I will too unless I get active, a cloudy lethargic mind will destroy you, I have purchased a house and have to not get sick and make sure I am in good health to keep working and also mow the lawns for the next 15 years (until Im 65yo) so I have to stay fit, I don't want to be homeless and alone when I'm old.

    I work on the principle there is no food I'm not allowed to have (a bit like the don't go hungry diet by Dr Amanda)

    I just choose to eat the foods that are worthy, ie I like the most, that give me all I need for the day and keep below the kjs required.

    This does mean you need to educate yourself on food so that you can look at the various health values in the food, the joy of the food and the satisfaction of the food and choose the one that serves you best. So you'll look at chips differently, maybe for a moment go yeah, but then 'NOT WORTHY'

    This looks like normal eating, and it is what I know I can maintain. I now am finding what I thought was dull and boring also now tastes great, your taste buds change as you make better choices.

    If I really want to eat something that day so much that I find myself trying to fit it in, then I will work out how much extra exercise I have to do to accommodate it, that way famine kept at bay, which keeps binge at bay, body satisfied, kjs kept under control. I shared a vegetarian pizza with my sisters, we had two slices each while out, that is OK! As suggested by someone else in this post, the body will crave certain foods if it is lacking in some area, so we need to listen to our body and find out what it is telling us.

    I have been caught by neighbour doing laps of the back yard to burn off a few more kjs, and I have even done laps of the dinning table during the commercials of my favourite TV show to get my 10,000 steps a day (not always reach that number am human).

    There may be some foods you don't realise how yummy they are and less kjs than what you might currently eat that you can substitute (because you prefer to), that one change can make room for a treat!

    I have just discovered how yummy the 9 grain via wheat are with salmon or tuna for lunch, at the moment I have 4-6 vita wheat in place of the 2 slices of bread, I drool over this lunch and still have spare kjs (you might think that strange)

    Find and use ALL the tools that will keep you focused and on track, I use this site, Vivofit, Runtastic, GP referred me to an Exercise Physiologist, Dietician, and am making plans to find groups 'OUT THERE' now to join, ie, maybe a walking group, or play soccer??/ Who knows, whatever will keep this activity level going as this makes my choice of foods better.

    Do keep a pack of frozen berries in your freezer, these are a great guiltless joy when kept as your serve of fruit for the day treat, but watch the sugar levels.

    Big reply, hope that helps.
  • LoveLiveLife27
    My cherry yogurt is my treat everyday, but as far as a cheat meal, I have 1 every 1st of the month. It's something to look forward to and I only replace one meal that day, not a cheat day but a cheat meal.

    I don't like cheaters :wink: so I have a 'Eat Out' meal. That's what I did tonight. So for the next 7 days, I will eat very healthy. BTW, I love your profile pic! LOL!!!

    HaHa thanks! and yes cheat is a negative word. I should use "Eat Out" instead. thanks!