Say NO to the scale!



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Whatever floats your boat OP. If you cnat handle the scale then dont use it and hope your other ways of measuring give you enough of what you want.

    Im with the people who says it gives them objective data and I look carefully how I deal with such information. I use all the other pefromance measures for health and fitness, but I find the scale a very useful motivator and encouragement on how far I have progressed and a warning radar in case the trend starts going in the wrong direction.

    If I lose weight and that corresponds with efforts I have put in then I find that rewarding.
    If I gain weight, then I analyse and work hard to keep doing the right things.

    Not knowing would drive me nuts and would impair my ability to plan and progress. Throwing away the scale just makes the diet more clumsy imo.
  • nurseinthenorth
    nurseinthenorth Posts: 19 Member
    I don't know when I'll weigh in. Maybe in a few weeks. I do track faithfully and honestly as possible. Even if I have a rare day that I eat beyond my calorie allowance. I still log it in. So not weighing in does not mean not logging in or not tracking. For me tracking is the most important part.
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    OP thanks for your post. I have recently come to similar conclusions and we agree on many points. I will still weigh in weekly because I want the data but am focusing on other things too.
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    I had my husband hide the scales last night because my mood would depend on what it said. I've read all the posts about the reasons for weight fluctuations and that weight loss is not linear, etc. but for ME, the scale was discouraging me from continuing on. I am going to keep eating at a deficit and exercising and check my weight in 2 weeks.