
I'm new at this, and I know that I need to get better with proteins, yada, yada, yada....but I'm only allowed 1345 calories a day (before exercise). I've been sticking to it, but still being hungry after you finish your meal sucks. As well does going to bed hungry. :sad: ***rant over****


  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    I know, it sucks.
    I cope by exercising which allows me to eat more.
  • Tishrei
    Tishrei Posts: 86 Member
    I'm new too, tomorrow will be two weeks. I was crazy hungry he first week, this week was much better, I even had some extra calories at the end of the day a few times. And I'm eating 1200. Exercising for food helps too.
    Hang in there
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    Have you tried testing out foods to find out what fills you up? I have, and still am. Rice does nothing for me just like pasta. Fried cabbage does not feel me up, but will help keep me from eating high calorie foods when I really just want the flavor of food. However, some days like today I just really don't care. Good luck.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Why are you only allowed 1345..maybe you can set it to loose less lbs a week, if you have it on 2 or something. I set mine pretty low lbs/week as I wanted something I knew I could stick with.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I am not new, but just not good at this!! I cannot seem to eat within my calories!!

    I suggest drinking your water--8 glasses a day.

    Along with the water, start playing around with more fiber, more protein etc. I have lost about 12 pounds in about 6 months. I think I keep trying new things-I have the greek yogurt and almonds to the daily diet. My cereal now has a lot more fiber.

    I think every week I become braver in trying new things, adding new things and taking more time to do this....
  • Why are you only allowed 1345..maybe you can set it to loose less lbs a week, if you have it on 2 or something. I set mine pretty low lbs/week as I wanted something I knew I could stick with.

    I have it on 1, but I will cut back to less than a pound a week after next month. We're going on vacation at the end of July, and I want to at least be able to get into a bathing suit by then without horrifying the other hotel guests. :embarassed:
  • kirk_clawson
    kirk_clawson Posts: 36 Member
    Try drinking water. Lots of it. More than you think is a lot. Way more. I drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces.

    That's helped me immensely. I've started to realize that a lot of the time that I *thought* I was hungry, I was actually thirsty.
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Your hungry since your body thinks its starving..spread the cals out a.d find folds that curb yogurt
  • How much cardio are doing? 40 or more minutes of moderate intensity cardio increases appetite. This is especially true if you do cardio early in the morning. Cardio in the AM, plus a calorie restricted breakfast and lunch - a person is just setting themselves up to be ravenous by 7pm.

    Easy solution to hunger - HIIT in the afternoon/early evening. 30 minutes of high intensity interval training blunts appetite. I find it difficult to consume my protein rich snack post HIIT, and impossible to eat dinner.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    fill up on veg! ill eat a whole head of broccoli with my dinner or half a plate of salad for hardly any cals. I'm on 1300 (i work out a lot so I end up eating around 1700 if not more most days) and I'm hardly ever hungry. You just need to make better choices eg bag of chips 150 cals or a head of broccoli and small can of tuna for around the same. what will fill you up more?
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Try drinking water. Lots of it. More than you think is a lot. Way more. I drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces.

    That's helped me immensely. I've started to realize that a lot of the time that I *thought* I was hungry, I was actually thirsty.

    And water, green tea, Or sometimes if i really feel like i want food but I know for a fact Im not actually hungry i will have a Stock cube and hot water and have it like a soupy thing
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    There are ways to get more food in and still be within your calories. Try eating leaner meat, add more veggies, change up what you have for snacks, add more exercise and increase your calories, add more water.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    honestly, as someone with a past history of food abuse, apart of this process for me was learning that i didnt need to be stuffed to the point of pain after every meal, maybe this isnt the case with you and adjusting your macros is key, but i always used to need to be FULL every meal and i got really ****ing fat
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I believe that if you're hungry, eat something. One hard boiled egg and a piece of whole wheat toast can really take the edge off.

    Try looking at your meals not as individual things you're eating but types of things. You should try to eat some protein and fiber with every meal. You should eat tons of veggies - you can eat and eat and eat for few calories as long as you're judicious about what you put on them. How often do you snack? Don't let it be on empty calories. Do you drink enough? Remember that thirst can mimic hunger.

    Remember that this is relearning how we eat, not just what we eat. It's hard to be patient when you're hungry, though.
  • mherna31
    mherna31 Posts: 3
    Eat more high fiber foods such as: broccoli, lentils, spinach, green peas, whole wheat foods(like whole wheat pasta, brown rice , etc. ) And drink more water.
  • honestly, as someone with a past history of food abuse, apart of this process for me was learning that i didnt need to be stuffed to the point of pain after every meal, maybe this isnt the case with you and adjusting your macros is key, but i always used to need to be FULL every meal and i got really ****ing fat

    I'm really thinking a big part of it for me is mental as well. :embarassed:
  • After you finish a meal and between meals try to add a little more water, I've noticed that increasing water consumption has helped lower my hunger pangs.
  • natasa26ca
    natasa26ca Posts: 107 Member
    I can't see your food diary but it is probably the kind of food you eat that is not satisfying you. I am on 1200-1300 diet and i am almost never hungry (except when i go to bed late at night). Make sure you have smaller meals and more often. Find foods that are satisfying. You can eat unlimited amount of salad, broccolli, spinach, cabage. Those are high in fiber as well as super low in calories, and based on what Bob Harper says (trainer on the biggest looser), people trying to lose weight should consume aprox 30-50 grams of fiber a day to keep the food moving. Also drink a lot of water. It will fill you up, also have one glass of water in the first 15 minutes when you wake up. That will speed up your metabolism.
    You are more than welcome to check out my food diary and compare.
    I eat something every 2 - 3 hours.

    PS excuse my last thursday. Had a stressful day and i gave in confort foods.
  • I know, it sucks.
    I cope by exercising which allows me to eat more.

    I swear that the only reason I work out is so I can eat more! Back to the original post: I'm staying at 1200 calories daily before exercise. If I'm hungry I drink at least 16 oz of water (a lot of times you're body says "I'm hungry" when really you're just thirsty). Do this even if you think you've drank enough water. I drink at least 24 eight oz servings a day and it's a wonderful rule to follow regardless. If I'm only an hour or so from bed, I will simply go to bed. I don't mind going to sleep hungry so much and I think it's because I mentally KNOW that I've had enough calories for the day and if I start right before bed I will probably binge