Ladies, how do you get through it? (hope it's not TMI)



  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    its tough - we all understand!!! 1)I give myself a break - I'm not scale focused, so when I see the numbers rise (which they do) I dont worry about it, and remind myself it's just water weight. 2)I give myself a break again! I allow myself to: eat closer to maintenance than to my weight loss goals; to exercise as little or as much as I want.

    I don't allow myself to behave in a way that will result in gains, but I'm ok with TOM being a little maintenance break instead of a losing week. This allows me less stress and a little extra feel-good food:)
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    If you suffer from really heavy flow, a menstrual cup is a godsend - I don't know how I'd cope with my heavy coil induced periods without one. Other than that, hugs and sympathy - cycle problems are horrid :(
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I was just going to suggest a menstrual cup. Its a lifesaver for heavy days. I usually have to change the ultra absorbent tampons every hour, but I can go 4 hours with a cup! And they are SO freaking comfortable.
  • DsAdvocate
    DsAdvocate Posts: 93 Member
    Cups are great!
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    I try to keep exercising, even though that is extremely difficult with Stage 3 Endometriosis. But it distracts me from eating and misery whilst I'm doing it and enables me to eat more afterwards. I forget the macros and the micros, if I want to live on cake and chocolate and wine, fine. I find I'm close to despair, and particularly the 5 days before I will eat around 2300 cals per day, or I simply can't cope. Yet despite hefty over indulgence every month, giving into the cravings, frequently losing my purse and arguing with everyone and bursting into tears, I lose weight, I keep going, I keep going, I'm still here, my husband still puts up with me. 14 of these derailing monthlies now in my journey and the chart is still going down.
    We can beat these hormones. The desire and need to lose weight can be stronger than them and the days of normality outnumber them, thank god! Good luck it will pass!
    OMG. I needed to hear this! Thanks for this post, OP. I was coming to post the exact same thing. These last few days have been terrible and I was doing well and being consistent before this. It makes me want to give up to think of all the hard work I do all month (not eating perfect, but being flexible within my calories) for it to go off track now. I have extremely bad emotional PMS (it's actually called PMDD) so yeah, not fun times .

    I understand OP! I ate at maintenance one day and went over two. Drink lots of water to keep the bloating/ fatigue down and yes, I have kept exercising- about to get one in now.

    It's just hard when DH weight loss is progressing as normal, and I have this crazy week or 10 days when I'm just trying not to gain everything I loss.

  • serasmommy
    serasmommy Posts: 61 Member
    I just got started on changing my life right at this lovely time. Ha! I'm so glad that there's a community section here and ladies to commiserate with because yes, I've been hating my hubbys generous plan that he has to work with. Never before in my life have I eaten so many vegetables! it's just been a week but I think I may be able to do this whole changing my life thing. I cannot wait to see changes.