Any college students willing to be weightloss buddies ?


I have trouble keeping myself motivated to workout, it's a self esteem thing and I feel like I need like a motivation buddy to encourage each other and share our foods/advices/workouts/weightloss journey in general or anything.
I feel uncomfortable with telling my friends about my weight because I'm probably the only big and heavy one out of them all and I'm afraid to let them know. I know this community is full of hard working people! :D So it'd be easy to look for a weight loss buddy! I mean anyones welcome to send me a message but preferreably somebody whos in college or around 20's xD

I'm totally open to meeting new people and making friends in myfitnesspal!

Goodluck to everyone XD


  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    Hey, friend me :)
  • motochick0
    Friend me? know exactly where you're at. Could totally use a friend to help out.
  • emily_ebooks
    emily_ebooks Posts: 55 Member
    Add me? I'm in the same situation. :/
  • hiausugh233
    Someone friend me! I'm new and im feeling the exact same way
  • Shreshy
    Shreshy Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hi! :) im also looking for a buddy! :) i have just started college this year and have always been the biggest girl in my group of friends. I've been bullied because of my weight ever since i can remember and have also been dumped because of my weight. Its the most horrible feeling and im tired of feeling worthless. Now i've decided to change my life around. I've dropped down by 2 sizes :) so im kind of happy that im actually losing weight. What are you doing to lose weight?
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm also in college and looking to lose weight.
  • LivDixon
    LivDixon Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in college, too, and always looking for new friends!
  • jocelyne17
    jocelyne17 Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone posting who needs motivation, feel free to add and message me as well :)
  • FreeWatermelon
    Hey! Add me, in the same position at the moment!
  • abbyreciouz
    abbyreciouz Posts: 50 Member
    yes yes yes! im going into my 4th year of University! my goal is to lose at least 20 - 25 pounds before school start in september!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi, if you want to you can add me :) I also have motivational problems, I think it would really help if I had some friends who were in the same boat :)
  • csearcher34
    I'm a second year college girl working to lose the weight I put on my first year. Let's be friends!
  • Smurftastic
    Smurftastic Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 22 and in my 6th year of college. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    I hear ya! :)

    I am in my third year of university and for 3 years I've put on around 45 lbs!!!

    I have lost 19 so far, but still none of my friends understand the problem of university and weight so the only place where I can share my thoughts and worries is here.

    So feel free to add me!