Daycare Teacher Trying to Lose all the Stress Weight...

Hey guys,
I've been a MFP member for quite some time now, but I'm really ready to kick this into high gear.
I currently work at a daycare, and It feels absolutely impossible to lose weight. The kids stress me out enough,
but then the ridiculous amounts of junk food that is around just makes it worse.
I'm heading to Puerto Rico on the 29th and I'm trying to use that as motivation, but it's still tough.
I "officially" started my healthy eating again today, and I'm really trying to stick to it. MFP is suggesting 1250 calories a day.
I want to add in some exercise in the mix as well, but I find that after I get home from work I'm absolutely worn out. I really need to start getting up earlier and go walking/running I guess...
Anyone else work in a school or daycare that has a difficult time with this stuff?


  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Look up TDEE on here...then proceed.
  • ame19798
    ame19798 Posts: 12 Member
    I have worked in childcare for 13 years and I have just decided to not eat anything from the school/daycare.... the food there is made for the children's diet and they have higher fat and calorie content...... good luck to you!
  • diva1413
    diva1413 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a 1st grade teacher and I get it! It is hard to not snack during the day and at the end of the day I just want to go home. I have found that packing healthier snacks helps me at work. Now when my kiddos have snack, I have my healthy one as well. I also pack my workout clothes and change at work. This has helped me tremendously. I feel bad passing by the gym in my workout clothes. :-) I would love to help be a motivator for you! Feel free to add me!