Tips for Eating Less Sugar?

Despite always being under my calorie allowance, when I look at the breakdowns of the amount of nutrients, fat, carbs, etc. that I've eaten compared to the amount that I should eat I'm always over the recommended amount of sugar. I don't eat that much in general (I know I should probably eat more), and I don't add sugar to anything specifically, but I still haven't managed to eat less of it. Diabetes does run in my family, so I want to make sure not eating too much sugar. Maybe I should cut back on the occasional Starbucks latte or juices?


  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I'm over in sugar pretty much everyday, if its natural sugars like fruit then don't worry about it too much as i find once a have a apple and a banana I'm already over its when I'm eating a lot of processed sugars and the like is when i think ok now i need to cut that out.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Cut out juice. If you eat fruit, you get that sugar anyway. Juice is unbeneficial, as you get the same sugar (and calories) from a glass of grapefruit juice as you get from a grapefruit. The difference is from the actual fruit you get the fiber as well, and you'll feel more full. So juice is pretty much the bad variant of the fruit all around.

    For me, the best way to reduce sugar is really to make as much as possible of my food on my own. Most of the sugar we get these days are from processed foods, and many of them are products we don't even realize contain sugar.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I wonder that too. I don't even eat sweets but pretty much always go over sugar.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Cut out juice. If you eat fruit, you get that sugar anyway. Juice is unbeneficial, as you get the same sugar (and calories) from a glass of grapefruit juice as you get from a grapefruit. The difference is from the actual fruit you get the fiber as well, and you'll feel more full. So juice is pretty much the bad variant of the fruit all around.

    For me, the best way to reduce sugar is really to make as much as possible of my food on my own. Most of the sugar we get these days are from processed foods, and many of them are products we don't even realize contain sugar.

    Yip, Stick with the actual fruit not the juice or juice it your self if you have to have it. store brought juice has no nutritional benefits because of the processes they put it through first
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Blowing past your sugar "goal" simply means you had a delicious day.

    Seriously, your sugar intake is completely irrelevant. Stop tracking it entirely. Focus on protein, fat, and fiber.