Low carbs but want to feel full...



  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    It doesn't matter what fats you're eating as long as you're eating a calorie deficit. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you'll be fine.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    ...Fatty dips, fatty sauces, butter, animal fats, olive oil, avocados, cheese, cream, sour cream, cream cheese...

    Fat is your friend.

    bad bad bad.
    Just destroying your arteries.

    Stick to doubling your veggies.

    Umm actually, dietary fat is only loosely linked blood cholesterol, which is what causes atherosclerosis or to use the technical term 'destroying your arteries'
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Higher fat, more protein, more low carb/high volume veggies will make you feel fuller.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    If buying separate food and eating separate from my family wasn't a problem and a hassle, I'd still be doing Keto. I did it for 2 weeks and I didn't miss carbs at all! I just love meat and vegetables sooo much that it didn't really bother me and I was full from each meal. :smile: Low carb, high fat is pretty satisfying!

    I've never done keto but I usually cook a main meat and veg, a starch for them, and sometimes a carb substitute for me (that they can also eat). Its a little more work some days but its still mostly doable. I'm not sure what other dietary needs your family has, of course, so I may be just typing to see myself type. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    More protein, is key for me.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    swansorp09 wrote: »
    It works for me but might not for everyone. I have a protein shake in water and low sugar oatmeal with water for breakfast. I add coffee with some creamer. Then for lunch I have a sandwich, banana, yogurt and 2 clementines with another cup of coffee and some creamer. That is about 1100 calories give or take and leaves me 800ish calories for dinner. I feel plenty full.

    No offense, I'm glad it works for you, but that diet sounds like my kind of nightmare. Oatmeal gives me the munchies all day.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    swansorp09 wrote: »
    It works for me but might not for everyone. I have a protein shake in water and low sugar oatmeal with water for breakfast. I add coffee with some creamer. Then for lunch I have a sandwich, banana, yogurt and 2 clementines with another cup of coffee and some creamer. That is about 1100 calories give or take and leaves me 800ish calories for dinner. I feel plenty full.

    No offense, I'm glad it works for you, but that diet sounds like my kind of nightmare. Oatmeal gives me the munchies all day.

    That's really interesting. Oatmeal usually keeps me so full that I consume about 300-400 calories less than usual on days I have it simply because I don't feel like eating.
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    High protein shakes with salads are very filling. You just have to get past the first couple days, and occupy your mind. I did a lot of reading, and stay busy. I'm day four and this is the first day I didn't wake up hungry! Quinoa is super filling. I made it risotto style loaded with veggies, I couldn't finish it.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    The thing is, the low carb people like it because they are satiated by fat and protein. Lots of people are more satisfied with more bulk. Honestly, I looked at a couple of HFLC open diaries and gagged a little. I'd be miserable after a day! Others love it and find it wonderful. There is no reason to choose a diet that severely limits a macro unless you have a medical condition or just have strong food preferences due to taste or ethical concerns.

    Why did you choose low carb? Unless you have blood sugar issues, I'd suggest reconsidering. There is no reason to set yourself up for failure by choosing a diet that leaves you feeling deprived all the time. Even if you lose some weight, you'll gain it all back once you hit maintenance. The key is to choose a diet that you'll be happy with for the rest of your life, and just eat that way but at a caloric deficit while you have weight to lose. Don't choose a gimmick that you hate with the idea of "eating normally again" once you hit goal. That way lies madness.
  • davis978
    davis978 Posts: 103 Member
    A lot of times people say "full" when what they really mean is satiated. And, although I am by no means low-carb, I do eat way less carbs than I used to. In the beginning, what I was missing was the blood sugar rise and insulin response associated with eating a big plate of carbs. I could have a full belly in terms of volume but still feel empty and starving. If that's an issue for you, the only advice I have is time. Your body does adjust, but it takes time.

    I find that protein is absolutely key to keeping full. The best advice I ever read on this website is to try to eat at least 30 grams of protein at every meal. When I started doing that, everything changed. I went from feeling starving all the time to just feeling hungry in the 90 minutes before my next meal. That amount of hunger I just have to accept.

    Good luck!
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    swansorp09 wrote: »
    It works for me but might not for everyone. I have a protein shake in water and low sugar oatmeal with water for breakfast. I add coffee with some creamer. Then for lunch I have a sandwich, banana, yogurt and 2 clementines with another cup of coffee and some creamer. That is about 1100 calories give or take and leaves me 800ish calories for dinner. I feel plenty full.

    No offense, I'm glad it works for you, but that diet sounds like my kind of nightmare. Oatmeal gives me the munchies all day.

    That's really interesting. Oatmeal usually keeps me so full that I consume about 300-400 calories less than usual on days I have it simply because I don't feel like eating.

    I have a friend who can eat the same amount of oatmeal as me, at the same time, and be full until lunch. I'll be starving inside of an hour. Its funny how different foods affect different people.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    krhn wrote: »
    If buying separate food and eating separate from my family wasn't a problem and a hassle, I'd still be doing Keto. I did it for 2 weeks and I didn't miss carbs at all! I just love meat and vegetables sooo much that it didn't really bother me and I was full from each meal. :smile: Low carb, high fat is pretty satisfying!

    Never actually done it myself - am I correct in assuming that you are fairly low in energy (mentally that is) when you do everyday things?

    I can't speak for her, but for many, including myself, you assume incorrectly. Some people do report some difficulty in the beginning, lasting a few days to a week, as their bodies adjust. I personally did not. I only had a couple mild headaches. But after that period, mental energy returns for those who had an issue.

    I've been Keto for over 8mo. I'm quite mentally sharp. Both mentally, and physically, energetic.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited February 2015

    MrM27 wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    ...Fatty dips, fatty sauces, butter, animal fats, olive oil, avocados, cheese, cream, sour cream, cream cheese...

    Fat is your friend.

    bad bad bad.
    Just destroying your arteries.

    Stick to doubling your veggies.

    Time for you to do more research.

    Yes. Seriously.

    Olympic dogsled teams could whiz through mine.