Advice for a newbie. Body weight training ok?

Hey there,
I usually just lurk forums until I find topics that answer my questions but couldn't find anything so I decided to post
My stats are 22 year old male 5'9 and 130lbs. Pretty lean naturally never have had any excess fat in my life.
My goal is to gain 15 lbs of both fat and muscle basically just 15lbs in general. I have the diet part of my bulk covered thanks to this app it's a great help. But my worries lie with exercising to get muscle gains.
I have gained before but it was through weight lifting. This time I will not have that luxury for several reasons I will not waste time explaining. My point is that I will have to rely on body weight exercises to gain my muscle.
I already know that free weight training is better so please spare the education on that. My question is what exercises can I do/how can I maximize my training knowing it will be mostly at home. I have a pull up bar and that's it. Is my goal realistic and attainable within 6 months?
Thanks in advance for any help and replies :)


  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Check out "You Are Your Own Gym" and "Convict Conditioning"

    Is it possible? Yes. But know it's the slower road - it's faster with free weights, and there's not much getting around that.
  • aalman12
    aalman12 Posts: 19 Member
    Do you have weights at home? Do low rep 8,6,4, each time add-on weight, when each rep is easy then bump up your weight to the next level. If you do not have weights at home, then you will have do push ups, pull ups, slow and steady to get the maximum effect.
  • alexmeyer09
    alexmeyer09 Posts: 2 Member
    No I don't have weights. I have access to a bench press about once a week I plan on making use of. And as for the two recommendations thanks a lot those will be helpful. Except for the fact that I am trying to avoid cardio because it will burn off the excess calories I am using to bulk. But otherwise thanks for that I will definitely make use of those exercises
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    At least get a couple sets of dumbbells. You can find used ones cheap on Craigslist. You can use them for all kinds of movements, and will get much better results than bodyweight exercises. Progress by adding more reps and sets and decreasing rest between sets. When you outgrow them, sell them and get heavier dumbbells. Eat a little over maintenance, and 15 pounds in 6 months is easy if you are not afraid of a little fat.