Really fussy eater, suggestions welcome!

Hi My names Jade! I find dieting quite hard as I don't like the texture of any fruit or vegetables! It's so frustrating! Does anyone have any recipes or tips for healthy quick meals?
Thanks in advance


  • Hi Jade, I'm really fussy too it's a nightmare! How are you with soup? I make a veg soup and blend it so I have no idea what I'm eating and that works for me? Good luck! X
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    my son is an ultra picky eater (sensory disordered) and I dont think I COULD give you ideas unless you let on what you do eat. My son eats no pastas,or rice for example. He also doesnt eat any meat, or beans.

    Picky eaters can lose weight eating what they already eat, only less of it.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    Fruit and vegetables have very varying textures and vegetables also change in texture a lot when cooked..

    Could you tell us what you do eat and what, specifically, you don't like about said textures?