It might be slow progress, but quitting won't speed it up!

I am back. Hopefully for my last time!
I have been up and down in the whole health issue lately.
I have Binge eating disorder and have finally decided to get a hold of it.
I will not fast. I will not restrict. I will not binge.
I will eat my alottment of calories (1000-1200)
I will allowed myself one treat a day so I do not "Binge" without being able to have one.
I will do this.
I will regain my health.
I will look in the mirror and see the skinny/healthy girl I was this time last year.
Sadly, I have gained 70+pounds =/


  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    You probably should aim for more than 1,200 calories a day. Restricting yourself that much may lead to future binging. Depending on your current height/weight 1,400 to 1,500 probably would be appropriate.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sometimes it's the really low calorie (1000-1200) diet that is what leads to binging. You might want to change your weight loss goal so it's not so aggressive and slow the loss down a little.

    I don't know what your height and weight are but generally under 1200 is pretty low for most women. Also, skinny isn't necessarily healthy.

    I wish you the best but encourage you to lose weight in a healthy manner.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I am back. Hopefully for my last time!
    I have been up and down in the whole health issue lately.
    I have Binge eating disorder and have finally decided to get a hold of it.
    I will not fast. I will not restrict. I will not binge.
    I will eat my alottment of calories (1000-1200)
    I will allowed myself one treat a day so I do not "Binge" without being able to have one.
    I will do this.
    I will regain my health.
    I will look in the mirror and see the skinny/healthy girl I was this time last year.
    Sadly, I have gained 70+pounds =/

    What's your height, age, current weight and goal loss per week and general activity level excluding exercise

    Because 1000-1200 is too low .. which could feed into your crash & burn and binge mentality

    You need to get enough calories for a wide and varied diet, you should never be eating below 1200 and when you exercise you should be eating more

    you can do this