Exercise anxiety



  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there, the gym is not for everyone and if you really don't feel comfortable then why put yourself through that anxiety. If it is something however that you would like to do maybe seek some professional help to work on your anxiety, hopefully they can teach you some techniques to manage it. Another option would be to go with a friend, maybe do a class together.

    As other posters have said there is more than one way to exercise. Home for example, however for me it is great to have others around me as it motivates and spurs me on so I prefer I to get out. Another option would be to find out if there are sports clubs in your area for say basketball, hockey, football, tennis whatever your sports preference is. Not sure where you live but in Ireland I use a social media website meetup.com and have joined walking and hiking groups. It is great motivation and an opportunity to socialise with like minded people. Also where I live they run a weekly 5k park run which I have signed up for. If there isn't one in your area why don't you try to set one up yourself, just decide time and location maybe advertise it in local shops might be other people in your local area interested too?

    Wish you all the best on your weight loss journey. :)
  • Andrea1rp
    Andrea1rp Posts: 7 Member
    This is really great everyone-okay new question: how do you fall in love with exercise? Or get to the point where you're not dreading it?

    Many have posted scheduling and going to the gym at off times which I've tried and doesn't work for me. Any other ideas? Thank you!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You try them all until you find one you can tolerate. Then you do it. I tried some I could tolerate, then I found one I loved and will stick with.
  • KatieLK14
    KatieLK14 Posts: 90 Member
    I definitely have been there! Especially when I first started working out regularly a few years ago..I was SO self conscious. I still get those days but I try my best just to block it out, it is super unlikely that anyone will be talking about you or judging you- and if they are, they're just being small minded!
    my solutions have been:
    - loud, upbeat music in my headphones
    - sometimes going with a friend to workout can help!
    - going to the gym at off hours
    - if youre really not feeling it, work out at home :)