Need some weight loss friendlings ❤️❤️

hi, okay so of course I'm trying to lose weight but I feel like I'm extremely unmotivated. i would love if any of you would like to help me in my weight loss journey and I will return the favor ☺️☺️


  • Hi, I do too, I'm not very good at staying motivated some days.
  • xo_aprmn
    xo_aprmn Posts: 29 Member
    I'm looking for motivated friends too, feel free to add me!
  • Babybirdganz
    Babybirdganz Posts: 107 Member
    I lost weight on here before (gaining about 10 back) and I'm back and looking for motivation also! Feel free to add me!
  • laurenvilims9
    laurenvilims9 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to lose 10 lbs and I am so unmotivated. I would love to help
  • I'd love someone to help me stay motivated! I'm trying to lose a lot more than ten pounds.. I'm way over what I used to weigh. Anyone who'd like to help can add me.
  • bluidflblnd
    bluidflblnd Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I haven't been on here in forever, just got back into the gym within the last few weeks. Motivation to keep on track & consistent is the hardest part of any & all routines. I'd love to help motivate & in turn stay motivated myself.
  • Add me please I need to stay focuses
  • dtaerj
    dtaerj Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me too I'm in the same boat. I want the eight off but have no motivation. My husband always bring my favorite snacks home and I eat them. So now I have to look for outside motivation. Lets all give some ideas on daily meals
  • bluidflblnd
    bluidflblnd Posts: 3 Member
    Add me, as I am fairly new to this & still trying to figure out how to work everything... Lol
  • I could use any motivation that anyone is willing to give also. using MFP has really helped with being able to add friends and see that there are so many people here to uplift EVERY ONE. that in itself has been an encouragement.
  • hlsours1
    hlsours1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! I lost 20lbs for my wedding but over the holidays and after going on my honeymoon, I gained 10 back. I'm working to lose what I gained and more! I'm doing a FREE 6 week email series . . . 6 Weeks To A More Improved You! You will get an email from me every Monday morning for 6 weeks with a strategy to work on for the week. Does that sound like something you would be in? You can add me on fb, I'm always looking to help people reach their goals while working towards my own.!/heather.rivera118