What is your best advice for avoiding unhealthy tempting foods?

DH and DS like to eat junk! There is always that in the house. It's tempting. Trying not to want it. What's your best advice for avoiding it? What kind of snacks do you like that help you between meals? TIA. :)


  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Instead of avoiding it completely, try to learn to eat it in moderation as part of your daily calorie balance. This way you learn better habits for life without depriving yourself, which can lead to binges.

    No food is junk. There are just some foods that have more nutritional value, but all should be ok in moderation in a healthy balanced diet.

    Unless you are never going to eat it ever again. Ever?
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    edited February 2015
    Try to portion out your treats to stay within your calorie goal.
    I'm not a snacker because I like to eat larger meals, but I've heard that it's better to eat a carb with a protein/fat snack such as peanut butter with Apple slices or some cheese and crackers or some turkey or chicken or other protein with a carb.
    Nuts are a filing snack with some plain greek yogurt.
    Some hummus and carrots are good also.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Oh snacks.

    Today I am having a snack cheese, high protein yogurt and a Bakewell tart (small cake).

    Some days I have carrots sticks, some days chips. It depends on my calories for the day and what else I'm eating.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I always make room in my allotment for a treat, therefore, I'm not avoiding anything.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Instead of avoiding it completely, try to learn to eat it in moderation as part of your daily calorie balance. This way you learn better habits for life without depriving yourself, which can lead to binges.

    No food is junk. There are just some foods that have more nutritional value, but all should be ok in moderation in a healthy balanced diet.

    Unless you are never going to eat it ever again. Ever?

    all of this!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    By remembering that my long term goals are more important to me than the short term satisfaction of the food. It doesn't always work, but it's the only thing I've been able to come up with.
  • HappyQuella
    HappyQuella Posts: 67 Member
    Just eat a little of it. One serving. Just so you can satisfy the urge and take the edge off. If I completely cut out 'junk' foods, I would be a hot *kitten*, binging mess! The cold turkey method isn't sustainable for the majority of people. Most importantly, just monitor how the calories fit into your calorie allowance, and make sure you're getting good nutrition throughout the day! Enjoy yourself. :D
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I eat it if I really want to

    and over time I develop in my head the thought process that yes I can have it but that actually means I won't be able to eat xx later so which do I want more

    if it's the big fat brownie then I eat it, if it's the huge stew and rice with salad then I eat that

    swings and roundabouts - portion sizes and satiety
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Tell them under no circumstances to give you any and preferably to store it out of sight. This helps because you know you'll feel like a fool if you have to go begging them for it or hunting through the house for it on the sly.
  • amyj514
    amyj514 Posts: 53 Member
    I always have a snack planned for after dinner (that's the time I tend to go off track). I decide early in the day what I am hungry for and it works me up for it so I look forward to it. Then when I get tempted I remind myself that I need to save those calories for my snack later or I won't be able to have it and will be disappointed and it makes the call of potato chips and chocolate cake a little less intense (my husband's go-to snacks, always in the cupboard haunting me). I like to eat popcorn, smoothies, a 'naughty banana' as I call it (banana sliced up with whipped cream and possibly caramel and nuts or sprinkles, etc, like a sundae. Sometimes I freeze the slices first), a sliced apple with cinnamon sugar, sometimes something sweet if I baked, etc. The biggest thing is to have it be planned ahead!
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I make sure I fill up on the more nutritious foods first with a good, big chunk of protein and some fats, then I am much less likely to go overboard with the little treats. I'm having some pretty good success with that little trick keeping it to one portion, or, sometimes half portion if that is all my remaining calories allow. I take tiny bites and savor instead of shoveling in handful after handful while barely catching a breath lol. (yes that was me)

    If you could see the size of the jar of candies my daughter received for valentines...whew! Her boyfriend was kind enough (without anyone asking him) to keep the bags from the various candies so that I could see proper portion and calorie sizes! It's such a large amount of candy he knows everyone will be eating it lol. I think he might be a keeper for her.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    OK, I agree with the others who said that no food should be off limits.

    However, personally I can't have chips, candy, cookies, ice cream, cake, etc in the house or I will binge. I've talked to my husband about it. He supports me in this. If he has a craving for something specific, that's OK. He can get a bag of chips or a package of cookies and store it somewhere out of sight and I don't know where to find it. When I have a craving for one of these types of foods, I have to go and get it in a single serving size. If it means going out for it, 9 times out of 10, I'll just hold off until the next time I'm at the store.

    My son that still lives with me is 20. If he wants these types of foods, he keeps them in his room. When my kids were younger, we would have these things as an occasional treat, they weren't always in the house. I'm the mother, I'm in charge (I was a single mother until last year).
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Some people can't moderate. Some have to keep it out of the house or at least out of sight. Having a big supply of acceptable alternatives is important so that you always have something to turn to.
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    I eat whatever I want when ever i want as long as I don't exceed my calories for the day. This way I don't become the alien in the house neither ;)
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    Though I make allotments for these treats, I buy them in singles, daily or ONLY CARRY ONE WITH ME.

    Bc if I have more than one in my possesion there is a chance I may eat a whole box of fiber one cookies. I know a lil stress will cause me to eat a whole box of whatever it is I've allowed into my diet that I love.

    Over eating got me obese, I still have to control that urge to eat all the cake and cookies. I have to say Sarah Why do you want to eat another? Bc your coworkers stress you out? bc life knocks you down? How are you going to feel after you eat that whole box of cookies? Worse? Don't do it. Get up , walk away, Call someone talk it out.

    Though eating a whole cake may seem like the answer to all lifes problems.....surely it is not. We all struggle. Practice portion control. You can do it. So many of us have. don't deny yourself what you like. Just make it fit.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    OK, I agree with the others who said that no food should be off limits.

    However, personally I can't have chips, candy, cookies, ice cream, cake, etc in the house or I will binge. ).

    I'm glad I'm not the only one bc....people make it seem like it is so easy to end a habit most likely wrought out of seeking comfort through food. Glad you have the support of ur hubby. Mine falls in line too!
  • beachlover83
    beachlover83 Posts: 68 Member
    I don't keep it in the house, which helps make it not as tempting. If I do splurge, I work it into my calories and try to keep it in moderation.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Best advice: Eat whatever you want. There are no "unhealthy foods" for weight loss purposes. Eat all the "junk" you want, as long as you stay under your calorie quota.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Instead of avoiding it completely, try to learn to eat it in moderation as part of your daily calorie balance. This way you learn better habits for life without depriving yourself, which can lead to binges.

    No food is junk. There are just some foods that have more nutritional value, but all should be ok in moderation in a healthy balanced diet.

    Unless you are never going to eat it ever again. Ever?
