Multiple Sclerosis



  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I had symptoms starting at 21, and was diagnosed with relapsing - remitting ms at 27, i am now 29. I can go for months without issue, then I will hit a wall, my face, hands and back will have numb patches, I have extreme vertigo (pass out from bending over or climbing stairs or sitting up/standing quickly), one or both legs will turn to rubber beneath me, sometimes I drool. Extreme heat or cold make it much worse. Each time I hit a relapse the symptoms are more and worse. I miss work- taking sick leave for weeks - sometimes months at a time. My job is not wheelchair - friendly, so I am stuck in administration doing paperwork if I can function, stuck at home if I can not. I am lucky I had years of experience at my job before things got bad, not all employers are so graceful as to put up with so much missed work.

    When I am good, I am great, but it is hard to live in the moment and not think about when everything will go to hell again. It is one hell of an adjustment knowing that it will take so much out of you, sooner or later. Treat her like you always have unless she asks for different. Defend her when people judge, because they will.
    I don't have much else to add, just know that she is still the same person, more or less. Invite her to take part in activities, even if she can't, it will help remind her of the time when she can do things, that life is still worth living.