College girls looking to lose 40lbs

any other college aged girls looking to lose around 40lbs? I would love some motivation and support, as well as tips to eating healthy and staying fit while managing homework and studying. Help!!


  • I'm 21. I'm not currently in school, but I'm at that age.
    Cw: 174
    Gw: 130-135

    I need somebody who will kick my *kitten*.
  • Same here!!
  • I'm in nursing school and need to lose 40.2 more lbs lol. Add me! I'm down to 180.2 and my goal is 140. :) I started at 221 Nov 2013, but took a break April 2014 through about three days ago lol! My next goal is 170 by my 3rd wedding anniversary on the 26th (tall order I know).
  • limifer
    limifer Posts: 5 Member
    Me! Add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • torifontenot
    torifontenot Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2015
    Same! I'm well on my way so far, already more than halfway there! I mostly manage by cutting calories down to the 1000-1200 mark like the app suggests, and not eating back my workout calories. Add me if you want, I'd love some motivation buddies to encourage me to get my workouts in. I'm too lazy if I know nobody is watching me!
  • eab40726
    eab40726 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a college girl in need of losing 40lbs! Feel free to add me, I'd love to be able to support and motivate each other
  • nikkkirose
    nikkkirose Posts: 11 Member
    Fits my description exactly! Add me! (Won't let me add)
  • hazeldesert603
    hazeldesert603 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes! We can do this!!
  • ndulgetoday
    ndulgetoday Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm a college student as well and I'm in the same boat I'm 5'7 on a 1300 calorie limit. I'm fairly new to MFP but I've lost 5 pounds within the last 11 days through a combination of my calorie deficit and exercise.
  • heffron742
    heffron742 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 20 and have recently lost 40 through diet and exercise but I still have about 25 more to lose!
    Add me for support!
  • Mariposa333408
    Mariposa333408 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me!
  • demisidrak
    demisidrak Posts: 22 Member
    Add me!

    I'm 21 5'4".

    CW: 158
    GW: 130s!
  • Dml_1993
    Dml_1993 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a bit more than 40 to lose. My CW is 198 my GW is 145. I am full time student, doing and internship, and a mother of two children.
  • faintlights
    faintlights Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    I want to lose 20lb
    I'm 5'8
    Add me for motivation
  • bleighb21
    bleighb21 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes! It's so hard to be healthy and loose weight in college! Add me!
  • samanthaemily843
    samanthaemily843 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me :)

    21, college senior
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 160
    CW: 156
    GW: 120-125

    Current goal is to hit 140 by graduation in mid-may :smile: