Looking for New/Active Friends :)

hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
Hi everyone, I recently started using Myfitnesspal again and am continuing my journey to lose 70 lbs, (65 now! :D) I am 22 years old, in nursing school, and do alot of online gaming as well as some card games! Feel free to add me please!
I am 5'7 and currently weigh 265 lbs, just in case anyone who is on a similar journey was wondering!


  • 20cobalt10
    Haha im 5'10 and weight 265lbs. My goal is 80 lbs though. Then the fun task of muscle building. Need it for my job. Well...soon to be job hopefully. Trying to get a job at my local prison as a guard. We will see how it goes but first I gotta lose this weight and get my lung capacity back about me so I can pass the physical exam for the job. Hoping all works to plan.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Well I plan to lose more than 65, I actually want to get to 170-180 at least, but 200 is my goal for now! :D lol