Here I go again...

Its seems over the past two years I have tried sooo hard, I mean, obsessively hard to lose the weight i regained after a shoulder injury. Ive counted cals and exercised for months. Since January alone I have worked out (low impact due to fibro) 5 days a week, and do a 16/8 fast daily with random calorie counts just to make sure I was in my limits and not to mention a month and a half with no refined sugars or flours... and when I say I worked obsessively hard, I mean it. When I do something, I go balls to the wall. With all that physical and mental effort put in Ive struggled fluctuating 9 lbs making it IMPOSSIBLE to reach the 170's... So of course, I took a 2 week break (not with the fasting-it makes me feel good) to focus on my body image. So today starts my journey yet again. Im not worried about dedication, Ive got that. Im not worried about cheating, failing, lying to myself about what I have eaten, somehow miscalculating calories(Ive got a scale), for goodness sakes I keep candy in the house just to prove my will power to myself (ya im sick, i know). I am worried however that there may be something medically wrong. So, this is the last stand I take before heading to the doc to figure out why my body wants to keep the weight. So, here it goes...