new! advice needed! help on using site!

hi everyone! I've only just joined! I have tried many diets! my biggest successful was losing 10lb on slimming world (I know not THAT impressive, but it was still loss!)my biggest problem was that I got bored with food, im a comfort eater, so found that very hard and lack of support! I really hope this website helps! please has anyone got..
1. ADVICE on weightloss?
2. MEAL PLANS, i.e. recipes, suggestions
3.EXERCISE ADVICE, as I don't like the idea of running where I live and I only have an exercise bike!

please,i know its a lot, but anything could really help me!:) even just a friend request!

I hope everyone is on the path to succeed and that I too can join you! :)


  • myfitnesspal_96
    please anyone?xxx
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    The best way to use the site is (and to help you achieve your goal) is to record everything that goes in your mouth!! TRACK TRACK TRACK. Exercise is also important and record that. I try not to eat my exercise points just my daily allowance. Shop the outside of he store if you can. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    I really don't have any recipes to share, there is a topic on here that people have posted recipes.

    I have been here for a 1 1/2 weeks so I am not a pro yet! I have lost 3 pounds in my first week. This is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I know when I get rid of this 80 pounds I can never go back to the way I was eating or I will be back!! I am seeing a dietitian and she is helping me achieve my goal. I am on 1400 calories and have to eat 70 protein a day. Each time I have a protein for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack I have to have a fruit but that's just me. I go to water aerobics 3 - 4 times a week and have begin a refresher in swimming!

    You will get alot of knowledge, support and motivation using this site. I will help you all I can if you want me to. Just send a request. Your food diary needs to be open for me to hep you.
  • danni766
    danni766 Posts: 23
    Hi! It's great that you are taking the first step to get fit! I too am starting my health journey and so be warned that any advice that you are getting is from a newbie herself. As far as food plans go I just started following the WW plan which I think is a great fit for me because I can eat what I want and do not have to deprive myself of all good food. With that said I am also pushed into making healthier choices because once my points are used up for the day, i'm done. For example, the other day I ate a really good breakfast burrito from Santiago's, but it was SIXTEEN WW POINTS! Which meant that the rest of the day I had to make some seriously healthy choices. I also really like that fruits and vegetables are 0 points as that makes me fill up on those more because it's like I'm not even eating in terms of points. Then, I am not as hungry when it comes to unhealthier selections. As far as recipes go, PINTEREST! Seriously I have found so many good recipes on there, it's not even funny. Here is a link to my food board: In terms of exercise, I am personally doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. All of the videos can be found on YouTube and it is 27 minutes of pure hell. Man do you feel the burn... Basically you do 10 days with level 1, then 10 days level 2, and then 10 days level 3. I am planning on doing that for 2 days then rest for 1. Today is my rest day. However, I still went on a walk so that I didn't feel too lazy. Motivation is also key. For that I also recommend pinterest. Here is my inspiration board: If you need support feel free to add me!
  • myfitnesspal_96
    crazziecritter- Thank you so much! I would lovelovelove your support! well done for your 3lb weight loss! I will friend request you and hopefully we can both succeed! :) thanks it really does mean so much!

    danni766- I am so glad you are finding ww a success! those sites are going to be very hand I am so grateful! I am defo going to try the exercise you suggested (wish me luck!;))I will send you a friend requeust!

    thank you both for your support!:)
  • danni766
    danni766 Posts: 23
    I forgot to add! In case you would like to try Weight Watchers without paying (which I am) there is a free WW calculator app. The program isn't for everyone but it never hurts to try!
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    Hi and welcome, the most helpful thing I've found since joining is logging EVERYTHING, get a kitchen scale and weigh/measure your food. No food is truly off limits for me, I've just found since changing my diet around I don't really want any of the junk I craved before. Find some good people on here to add to your friends. You can add me if you'd like, my diary is open and any recipes I have I'd be glad to share. Again welcome :flowerforyou:
  • myfitnesspal_96
    Danni766 thankyou, I will look into it :)
    bearbrat- thankyou for your advice! I would be very happy to add you!
  • saphyreplatypus
    Hi! I have to agree with what the previous posters have already stated, when I finally got serious about my weight loss goals I found that logging EVERYTHING was key. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It helped me see where I was failing and succeeding, and it has made it easier to make good choices when out on the go.
    As for recipes, Clean Eating magazine has some good ones, but there are lots you can find online for free, tons of yummy variations of favorite foods too.
    When it comes to exercise, find what you like. Check out your local library to see what exercise DVD's they may have available, try a few different types and see what one(s) fits you. If you have fun doing it, you are more likely to stick with it. I started out walking, and slowly added running to my routine. I never thought I would like running, but it's become fun for me now, and I enter the occasional "fun-run" to get together with other crazy runner-types. ;-) But, like I said, find what you like, be it running, walking, hiking, tennis, boxing... there are so many options out there, and a lot you can do at whatever fitness level you are at.
    Best of luck to you!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'm new too and will send you a message and friend request. I "lurked" off and on for about a year then got serious 2 weeks ago when I tipped the scales @ 203.

    I ditto the above about measuring and tracking every thing you eat. I encourage you to read all the amazing success stories and view the awesome transformations others post. They're astounding and inspirational. Above all I would encourage patience. I so want to shed my extra 60 pounds in 60 days but know that is not going to happen so have set a realistic goal for myself of a pound a week. If I stick with it, this time next year I'll be posting photos. It took me 10 years to gain it all but hopefully will take only 1 year to kiss it all goodbye.

    For me measuring and tracking and staying on track needs to be as routine for as rolling out of bed and brushing my teeth. There is a difference between a tablespoon and a heaping tablespoon. LOL. I'm down 7 in 2 weeks but know it is just the good ole initial "water whoosh". Water retention, be gone! My fingers don't swell up quite so badly now when I take my 3.4 mile walk.
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Going to get a TON of information on this site from people..a lot of witch is what worked for them...track your foods daily record everything and try this or that till you find what works for YOU. Going to take a bit to find your niche but youll be off and running once you do to a healthier lifestyle. Best of luck and feel free to add me.
  • faye_andrea
    faye_andrea Posts: 12 Member
    This is my second time using this site - and this time around has been WAY more successful because I am actually being honest with my food tracking, even on the days I'm not super proud of! I would recommend being painfully honest with yourself and with the site when you're doing your tracking.

    The other thing that has worked for me is finding a substitute for when those snack cravings hit! For me its tea (non caffeinated for the most part so that I'm not loading up on caffeine all day and so that it counts towards my water intake). You can get some awesome flavored teas (even desserty flavors if you have a sweet tooth like me) that help cut the craving. Plus by the time your tea cools down and you drink it, the craving has usually passed and/or you'll have talked yourself out of going for that extra treat anyway. But tea is just an example, you could drink a glass of water or munch on some veggies or whatever works for you.

    Also, -and this one takes some work- you mentioned that you're a comfort eater. I can totally relate as I'm sure many of us can. Our society is SO centred around food. Think of any get-together, birthday party, event... there's always food involved! We eat when we're happy, we eat when we're sad... What has worked for me is to take a few minutes to think whenever I think I need a snack. I'll ask myself "am I eating because I'm hungry and my body needs fuel? Or, am I eating because I'm feeling X emotion?" If the answer is the emotional one, I'll then try to reframe it in a way that does not centre around food. If I'm eating as a reward or to celebrate something, I'll ask myself: "Is there another way that I can reward myself that is more in line with my goals?". If I'm eating because I had a crappy day and I need a treat to cheer me up I'll ask myself "Is this REALLY going to make me feel better for more than a few minutes? What can I do to indulge that doesn't involve eating?" Even just taking a few minutes to ask those questions has helped me to make better decisions (for the most part).

    If you want to explore your emotional eating even further, I find that a food journal really helps. Not just writing down what I ate, but also writing down my cravings and more importantly, what was going on with me emotionally when those craving hit? After awhile you might start to see patterns and may be able to determine what the triggers are for you.

    One more thing: I, like most people, am extremely busy and I'm sure you can relate. One of my "emotional eating triggers" is that when I'm tired and have had a crazy day (which seems like almost every day sometimes!), I really just don't feel like making a healthy dinner or preparing a healthy lunch for the next day. In those moments its SO much easier to just go to the kitchen and grab whatever is quickest and easiest, which unfortunately often isn't what is healthiest! UNLESS you do some food weekly food prep ahead of time! What I like to do is have some basics prepared (I like to prepare on Sunday nights but that's just the time that is easiest for me). I'll cut up fruits and veggies for the week, I'll cook some chicken breast and some lean ground turkey, etc. Then its all ready to go for the week so, for example, the next day the meat and veggies are all ready to be thrown into a pita or a salad or whatever else. It just makes it so much faster and easier to prepare meals when half of it is already done ahead of time. It helps for snacks too when there's fresh fruit and veggies already cut up and ready for munching on! If you need some extra help and are on Pinterest and look up "food prep" or "clean eating", there are lots of good sites on there that have "food prep plans" of everything you can cook ahead of time and organize for the week (or I'm sure you can just Google it if you aren't on Pinterest).

    Good luck!! :) Keep at it!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My advice:
    1. Weigh and measure everything and log it accurately.
    2. Drink water (how much is your preference. I like to drink lots)
    3. Preplan as much as you can
    4. Do not set your weight loss expectations too high. Unless you have a lot to lose, you do not need to lose it at 2lbs per week. I started with 80lbs to lose and I had my goal set to 1.5lbs per week, for a little while, then I changed my goal to 1lb per week. If your calories suggested are set to 1200, your activity level is either too low (very few are truly sedentary), or your weight loss goal is too high.
    5. Eat!! Food isn't the enemy. Eat enough, and eat at least half of your exercise calories back.
    6. Some find having a support system here a big help (I know I do!), add some friends!

    Good luck! Give it time before changing things, it WILL work if you work it!
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi there great that you have joined ,so many people to help each other!I would add like many others track everything you eat,I would say eat every 3-4 hours it keeps your blood sugar stable, fill up on good wholesome foods not rubbish and try to fit in an hour of exercise every day,a good walk will do fine to start!Best of luck:flowerforyou:
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Ok, so you want to lose weight you've come to the right place.
    My first piece if advice - don't think of is as a diet. It's not, cos diets don't work. This is a lifestyle change. You have decided to change your lifestyle a d commit to a healthier approach to food and exercise. That's not to say you're on rabbit food for the next 60 years, it just means that you will balance your intake of food with your outgoing.

    First thing you need to do is buy a digital set of kitchen scales. This is so important. I weigh everything! Even the amount of cheese I'm going to grate, to the amount of asparagus I'm going to steam, to the amount of chcolate I'm going to eat. Digital is more accurate and accuracy is what you need.

    Secondly, go and read a thread called In Place of A Road Map v2. This is so important and will give you all the information you should need to figure out how many calories you should be consuming and why it's important to stick to those calories, and not go under them.

    Weigh yourself once a week. Commit to a weigh in day where you log that weight o. The website. Weighing daily will screw with your head as the body can vary by 2-3lbs in any given day due to water retention etc. Once per week, or you'll go batty.

    Ask questions! Which you've already started to do! Fantastic! Knowledge is power and no one should laugh at someone who is willing to learn. People on the forums can be grumpy and a bit mean, but on the whole 90% of the people on here are sincerely nice people who want to help you with your success.

    As others have said, log everything! If you plan to have 25g of cheese but have 27g instead log 27g. Log oil! That's very calorie dense! 5ml of olive oil is 41 calories!! Just 5ml! Never estimate weight and calories cos you will always be wrong. Guaranteed. Hence the digital scales and the logging of everything.

    Hope this isn't too overwhelming. If you any questions feel free to PM me, or snoop through my diary - it's open to everyone.
    Best of luck on your journey
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Welcome.:flowerforyou: Like some have said tracking everything, weighing your food and patience. It is a slow process so do not get discouraged if you have a bad day or when you hit a plateau. We all have and patience gets you through it.(even though there will be times you will want to use the scale as a boat anchor.) I know I swear by this site because nothing worked before this. You can do it:wink:
  • bangtidy21
    Hi all,

    I'm glad to meet you. That said, i'm worried now as there seems to be a lot of thin people going by your profile pics. In fact i may be the only overweight person here so feel free to use me as you're pet project ;) .

    I have a great story to tell you all about a conversation i had lately with the father of an old friend....hopefully it'll make you laugh too and maybe....just maybe, you'll see how it made me giggle for hours as what he said cut a swathe through the endless diet bull**** we are bombarded with daily and set my feet firmly back onto the great Planet called 'REALITY'

    We'll call him John ok................Meeting by chance in a local shop John and i were delighted to see each other as it had been quite a long time (years) since we last met.....after the usually inquiries as to family members, jobs, state of the government , education, salvation and potential for damnation (we're Irish ok.....sorry but that's how we roll).......we got around to the subject of weight !!....In Ireland that'll go something like this.....

    (john) "I see your still first to the trough then big lad...
    (me laughing)'re not feared of a purdy or two yoursel hi
    (john an me) hahahahaha

    Except this time was weird as.... John had lost all the weight......This left me devoid of a witty retort (almost unheard of in Ireland) :( ) and sure to leave you feeling like a slapped *kitten* inside.

    Anyway....i digress. John told me that he'd had to loose weight for a hip operation and took off 4 stone (56 pounds) in the last 2 months.....his wife's friend and constant dieting companion for 40+ years had asked how he'd managed such an inspiring feat to which he replied with the following pearls of wisdom........please write this down and keep it in your pocket (seriously) as it's so simple it's almost magical.....


    I'm a new man because of the brilliance of the obvious.....Thank You John.
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Track your food and weigh everything. Be conscious that healthy food will keep you full longer and less likely to binge eat. My digital kitchen scale is the best tool I have and it has helped me tremendously!

    Also, it you have a bad day and go over your cals forgive yourself and move on. Get right back to it and remember that you are human. Try to identify why you went over and ovoid that food/setting/circumstance in the future.

    Feel free to add me it you like!