Hi guys

I am 51 and need to lose about 30 lbs. I have a Vivofit and log at least 10,000 steps every day. I also do zumba or the treadmill for 30 min three days a week. I log all food and do not go over my 1330 calories, but I have only lost 4 lbs in the past 6 weeks! What am I doing wrong?


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hi :) Sounds about right... you're looking to lose 30 lbs and you've lost a bit under 4 lbs in a month. With only 30 lbs to lose you don't want to be losing more than say 1/2 lb per week? Slow and steady lasts, quick and we tend to gain it back. What do you have your weekly weight loss set at currently? It might be that you're not doing anything wrong and may just need to make a couple adjustments. :)