Any help?

Well hello everyone I am wondering if there is any exercises that I can do? I am a clutz and I tried to do the ones I thought would be fun but I failed and I think that crunches, jumping jacks and stair runs would be boring after a while. So maybe there can be more out there. I am probably gonna start running once my gut goes down and basketball is kinda boring by yourself so anything other than that?


  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    swimming, join a team sport, grab a friend for squash or something?
  • danni766
    danni766 Posts: 23
    I am currently doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. 27 minutes of pure hell, but it's better than spending five hours at the gym and honestly I feel the burn like I never have after a gym workout. If you want more work out ideas I suggest pinterest. Here is my health board, which should give you some ideas! Also, if you have a wii I would suggest zumba and just dance 3 has a sweat addition which personally kicks my butt and it's fun!