Possible stupid question, but I was wondering...



  • efwolfcub
    efwolfcub Posts: 99 Member
    At 4 weeks post-op, I'm eating about 500-800 calories a day, with my protein intake at least 80gm/day. If I didn't have ready access to a dietician and have recent surgery, this would be *dangerous*. So, that's 1 reason you can't just "pretend" you had the surgery - to eat like a post-op patient is, at least at first, to eat a really small amount of food.

    However, realistically, the bigger reason is this - if people could just "pretend" they had the surgery, why would they have the surgery at all? I was on an 11 day pre-op diet where I was eating about 110 grams of protein a day and less than 1200 calories - I was *miserable*. Like "I want to kill everyone" kind of miserable. Now? I'm eating less than that and am doing really well - sure, my energy level isn't great, but no-one who is eating what I'm eating can go and run a marathon. But I'm not having the irritability, the hunger pains, the teeth-grinding frustration, etc that I was having before the surgery when I was eating more than I am now.