Maintaining on a lot of calories ? Anyone?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm 53 and maintain on an average of 2000-2200 (sometimes more) a day, have a desk job, but I workout six days a week (weight lift 3, run 3, averaging about 6 hours a week), and am otherwise active.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've eaten like you most of my life. People call it a "high metabolism." I call it a sweet tooth. I generally eat healthy foods, but in somewhat large portions, and I'd usually go and top it off with cheesecake. I think it's just because I was always an active person. When I quit being active the pounds slowly crept on, but even then it was gradual - about 1/4 pound a month, so it took a few years to become a noticeable issue. The heaviest I've been in 132 and I'm 5'5". My average weight is around 125.

    I should also note that on a weekly basis I'm losing twice as much weight as the calculator claimed I would with my current calorie deficit, so maybe there really is a need for more calories.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    dontjinxit wrote: »

    I should also note that on a weekly basis I'm losing twice as much weight as the calculator claimed I would with my current calorie deficit, so maybe there really is a need for more calories.
    I was also losing almost twice as much as I should have. It didn't bother me much during the weight loss phase, but as I got close to maintenance, I had to increase my activity level. Sounds like you have the wrong level picked too.

    I'm pretty much sedentary in life at the moment and I think I have the level set to normal. I guess I just burn calories like an athlete while slacking off and watching tv. I'm thinking that each week I'll add an extra 100 or 200 calories to the daily limit so I can find where I level off.

  • zaxx1953
    zaxx1953 Posts: 389 Member
    At around 280-290 I can probably maintain IF I WORKOUT REGULARLY AND WITH INTENSITY (I workout like an athlete when in shape) 3-4 times a week with like.....3100 Kcals or thereabouts. I set my macros for 2600 to lose slowly and add in some solid state cardio.....

    That does seem high for your weight. I am pretty friggun sedentary outside my workouts.
  • orchidee1987
    orchidee1987 Posts: 97 Member
    Female, 27, 126 lbs, 5'3, maintaining on 2300ish calories gross on average
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I eat around 2300, I'm 65 years old and weigh around 165. No formal excersize, just normal housework and a slow stroll outside in the fresh air most days. I don't diet though.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    By the way, the math is all wrong on every diet site. Bmi, calories per day, the calories to subtract for weight loss etc. Non of it can be standardized. Everyones genetics, hormones, individual fat to muscle and bone density is individual and has genetic foundations. Look at your family and see what you are naturally, disregard those eho are anorexic or comtinutally dieting and rebounding and you will be able to estimate your happy 'normal'. I think you are good now as long as you eat around 2500 or more if you get hungry if you are female under 5'8, over 25 years old, and not 'formally' excersizing.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    cloudi2 wrote: »
    By the way, the math is all wrong on every diet site. Bmi, calories per day, the calories to subtract for weight loss etc. Non of it can be standardized. Everyones genetics, hormones, individual fat to muscle and bone density is individual and has genetic foundations. Look at your family and see what you are naturally, disregard those eho are anorexic or comtinutally dieting and rebounding and you will be able to estimate your happy 'normal'. I think you are good now as long as you eat around 2500 or more if you get hungry if you are female under 5'8, over 25 years old, and not 'formally' excersizing.

    I agree with this. It's all averages.
    According to charts, I'd be healthy at a BMI of 19, but from my own experiences I very well know that's underweight for me.