please advise me for my weight loss journey

my total weight is 206lb
last week i started with 209lb
goal 180lb
age 28

i am planning to eat around 1300 calories. most of it with fruits, veggies, cereal, 2 slice of brown bread(for sandwich in lunch). cottage cheese, soup.

i am also thinking to have a cheating day once a week. i wont eat anything deep fried or sugar that day but i will go uptil 1800 calorie that day. (i love eating bread so mostly that with some low fat cheese and may be some chocolate milk.


I have just bought kinect nike plus game and also Your shape evolved games

I will follow the Nike plus program for 40 minute work out in morning and that do my desk job. in evening i will do some fun activity, swimming or badminton or gym or kinect games. so i m looking at 350 to 500 calorie burn out in a day with work out.

Can all you guys give me your support and advice me in my weight loss journey.

can you please suggest me what changes i need further in my life style or may be suggest another ways of some calorie burning methods. is than anything wrong in my plan? do i need to change anything

please please help me any possible target goal is around 175 to 180 pound. so 30 more pounds to go