Snacks at a desk job



  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    Unsalted almonds, cashews, apples, pears, bananas should do you. Fill you enough to keep you going till your next main meal but not enough so that you cant eat your next main meal.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    My snack is water and coffee at my job but I like to keep yogurt, cheese and mixed nuts on hand. I tend to avoid carbs as then I just want to sleep. Thankfully my office is a two minute walk from a full grocery store so my options are amazing and there is NO VENDING MACHINE at my job making it even better for snacking. Everyone seems to eat pretty healthy here so even ordering out and pizza days are highly rare! Although my egg white breakfast sandwich from McD's gets lots of sniffs in the morning lol!!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I snack a lot. At the moment I generally pick from:

    70 cal cereal bars from Aldi
    Small bags of popcorn
    A very small tub filled with some banana chips, raisins, honey roasted peanuts, dates and sesame sticks.
    String cheese
    Bag of grapes and blueberries
    Small bananas
    25g bars of 70% dark chocolate
    Cracker snack packs (sometimes with hummus)

  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    amwoidyla wrote: »
    I always need a mid morning snack and sometimes an afternoon depending upon what hours I'm working. This is what's in my desk drawer right now:
    Sweet and Spicy Tuna Packets
    Protein bars (Clif Builder bars and quest are my faves)
    Packet of instant oatmeal
    Dove dark chocolate (when a craving hits)
    Nuts occasionally
    I bring yogurts, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, and stuff like that for the fridge too.

    Do you add anything to the Tuna packets? I've wanted to try the flavored tuna, but haven't dared yet.

    The flavored ones on their own are pretty good, so I don't add anything unless I make a wrap or something. I've only tried sweet/spicy and ranch, but wasn't in love with the ranch.
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    faburizu wrote: »
    I don't snack.I think it's okay to be very hungry before a meal. That works for some and not for others.

    But if I did:

    Apples and cheese slices.
    Veggies and hummus
    Apples and peanut butter
    Firm fruit of other sorts (apples, banannas, etc.)
    A handful of nuts
    A bit of Gorp without the chocolate. (Nuts and dried fruit)

    Thank you for the suggestions! The reason why I don't want to feel very hungry before a meal is that often when I am, the meal does not fill me up and I am still hungry afterward and I don't want to be tempted to binge later.

    I'm exactly the same way. I bring my breakfast to work with me as well so I'm eating it throughout the morning rather than having breakfast at home and having more time between my meals.
    I have small (3/4 oz) packages of peanuts and a handful of those when I start to get hungry before lunch really helps.
    Then I have the rest of the of the package for after lunch.
  • kozinskey
    kozinskey Posts: 176 Member
    The snacks I bring are usually cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, or fruit. I also drink a kombucha most afternoons because I like the fizz. I keep jerky and hard candies in my desk in case of an attack of the hungries or a chocolate craving.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I keep fruits, veggies, chocolate covered cranberries, snack size cheez-its, light yogurt, beef jerky and sting cheese.
  • StephJC81
    StephJC81 Posts: 33 Member
    I have a desk job too! And I eat all day long breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, then dinner. Some of my snacks have been: baby bells, sliced veggies(carrots/green and red peppers/cucumbers/brocoli) and tzakiki, almonds, apples,cheese strings, hard boiled eggs, plain oatmeal with cinnamon and dried cranberries, etc etc. I could go on and on. Head to the dollar store and get yourself a little cooler/lunchpack so you can keep your stuff cold. If you need help, let me know if you want to see my diary! :)
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    When I had a job like that I found 5 almonds was enough to keep hunger at bay (not get rid of it, but I could then hold on until lunch). I would also try diet soda/coffee. I like air popped popcorn too as a snack, baby carrots with a low cal dressing, 16 oz of water too. I find a lot of time even if I'm really hungry, water does help.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    faburizu wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for all of the wonderful suggestions!!
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Have you tried eating breakfast, instead of drinking it? I find that days I drink a protein shake for breakfast (once or twice a month, if I'm in a hurry between the gym and work) I get hungry earlier.

    Yes, actually, the protein drink is a new thing for me. I've only tried it for 2 or 3 days now but I notice an immediate difference in keeping me full for longer. Before, I would eat toast with peanut butter around 6 and be STARVING by 10am. Maybe it's because I drink my protein powder with milk instead of water? Plus, I love it because it tastes just like a milkshake.

    I wish fruit were cheaper (especially berries!!) but alas it is not, at least not here. It's usually $4.99 for just a tiny box of blackberries or blueberries (and Strawberries are often even more). I like apples though, and peanut butter!

    andreamaym wrote: »
    - peanut butter (I literally eat two spoonfulls right off the spoon)

    I have considered that, lol. Maybe I won't feel so crazy doing that now.

    I also keep a large tub of plain oatmeal beneath my desk for emergencies (lol) and I think I may start using that now. I usually put sugar and maple syrup in it for flavoring, but I think I should find a healthier alternative, or just get used to eating them plain!

    I also am gonna look into skinny pop popcorn. My problem is that I'm so bad with "bags" of snacks, I want to eat the whole thing!! Perhaps I should package them before work...

    Also love cottage cheese. Great suggestions!

    That's a small breakfast and mainly carbs, some fat, and very little protein. So, yeah, you would most likely be really hungry. The reason you feel fuller longer with a protein shakes is because you're consuming protein, which is (generally) much more satiating than carbs and a little fat.

    I see that a lot of the things you've mentioned (oatmeal, popcorn, fruit) are carb-heavy. As I kind of mentioned, carbs aren't typically very satiating. You'd probably do well with more protein-heavy sources, as those will probably keep you fuller longer. While the cottage cheese isn't my bag, it's a good protein source. As such, since you like it, that's a great idea.

    Oh, and here's a list of good protein sources. Some are good as snacks, some are better as part of meals.
  • jwedebro
    Seaweed (I eat Annie Chun soups for lunch when they're on sale and lately they've been doing buy 2, get a pack of seaweed free as well as a general price reduction at Target)
    Pre-portioned amounts of nuts, peanut butter, dried cranberries, plantain chips, etc.

    My lunch is usually only about 250 cals, so I end up eating snacks too to get through the day. Usually have 700-1000 left for dinner that way depending.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    When I used to eat at work, my go-tos were usually beef jerky (all the time, so much so that my clients used to make fun of me for it), greek yogurt singles, and clif bars. But I stopped this a while back because I realized I would just mindlessly graze while working on paperwork >.<
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have roasted chick peas, trek trail mix, energy blend trail mix, chocolate flavoured tea, icebreakers sour candy, and because I have a hard time reaching my sodium levels, I have soup base packets in my desk drawer.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I don't like having food on hand at work for days other than today. Because if food is available I like to eat it. Especially being bored sitting at a desk all day. I plan out breakfast two snacks and lunch the night before. My go to snacks are yogurt w/ honey and homemade trail mix. Also will use apples, clementines, cheese and grapes, etc. It usually isn't much (two snacks together = 250ish calories). But it does hold me over to not feel starving by my next meal.
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    edited February 2015
    Eat more protein. I do .8g/lb of LBM per day to keep me full. I save my protein shake for the end of the day after dinner and my workout. If I drink it in the morning I will be hangry all day.

    Food I bring to work (everything is weighed out):

    -1 or 2 servings of Fruit (anything in season, plums, peaches, grapes, apples, whatever, or do veggies and dip if you like)
    -Yogurt cup (greek yogurt for the protein punch)
    -Two half sandwiches (one with peanut butter and the other with protein like tuna salad or chicken salad) and my bread I eat while dieting is high fibre and high protein
    -If I don't have sandwiches, I do leftover dinner which has some sort of meat protein.
    -2 cookies of some sort (sometimes). Not high calorie ones, but like Oreos or something.

    This is basically my calories for breakfast and lunch ( I start eating at 10:30-11am since I do intermittent fasting - The amount of calories I eat at work is about 700 on a non workout day and 800 if I plan to workout after work. I always leave around 500-600 cals for dinner and final evening snack/protein shake. I eat about 1300-1400 cals/day on my cut and I am very full by the end of the day. I have been doing this for almost 100 days now and have tweaked it to work for me. My macro split is 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat on these calories and I'm happy with this.
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    I don't snack anymore, but when I did, I used the following:

    pre-portioned nuts
    mozzarella cheese stick or Babybel
    Quest bar
    carrots & hummus
    plain Greek yogurt with nuts & drizzle of honey

  • Evenstranger
    Evenstranger Posts: 69 Member
    I kept a box of Honey Nut Cheerios at my desk for snacks. It worked to satisfy my munchies, the crunchies, and my sweet-tooth for a while.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    My staples are greek yogurt, fruit, edamame, peanut butter and crackers when I need something heavier pre-workout, special k chips (tons of chips per serving, great flavor), almonds, eggs (hard boiled).
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I have three clementine's sitting in front of me right now. I also bring hardboiled eggs and raw almonds
  • lilalief
    lilalief Posts: 76 Member
    I'm a uni student and I usually take a ton of snacks with me, I need my brainpower! usually an apple, banana, blueberries, almonds, and/or something sweet every now and then.