losing weight and food


I Dont know if my theory is wrong but Me and a couple people were talking about eating habits, I dont have terrible eating habits but I Dont eat much sometimes once or twice a day... I told them if you want to lose weight you can still eat some stuff but just do portion control and snack on fruit veggies etc through out the day... They told me I needed to cut all sugar out of my life and bread and pasta and salt... I think I can lose weight still eating those things but not going overboard ... Maybe I'm wrong I just still want to enjoy food .... She's scared to touch a cookie just one she says it will make her gain weight I doubt she will gain 30 pounds from one cookie


  • unprettyzombie
    I am also trying to eat more since I Dont eat much
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    They're wrong, eat what you want within your calories. I lost 55lbs living on microwave meals, take outs, pub food and chocolate. No need to cut out foods you love.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Generally speaking, you're correct and they're not.

    More specifically - calories are king with regards to weight loss. Eat less than you burn = weight loss. Eat more than you burn = weight gain. What makes up those calories makes no difference.

    Even more specifically - that DOESN'T mean it's recommended to eat your entire daily allotment of calories via sugar (or any one thing). To maintain optimal health, it's important to meet your protein, carb, and fat macros, get a variety of micronutrients, drink enough water, get enough sleep, and move (exercise) a bit.
  • MustLoveCats21
    You're right. If you get good nutrition and enough calories from that one meal then by all means, if not, yes eat a little more.

    But she's wrong about sugar and stuff. Slaves ate bread a lot because they didn't have anything else. They were far from fat.

    Overeating makes one fat because your body stores energy as fat when it's not used. Eating less makes one lose weight, because there is a shortage of energy to keep your body functioning, thus your body uses it's stored energy (fat) to keep things going. In short....calories is all that matters.
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    You're totally right. You could lose weight eating nothing but Wendy's. Also, without any salt, you will actually die.