Hard for me to gain muscle



  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    edited February 2015
    BFDeal wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    Building muscle is hard and takes a long time. Just focus on making sure you keep progressing strength wise, and eventually the muscles will get bigger too. If you just want more definition, then continue cutting fat and the muscles you already have become more visible.
    I see the "it's hard and takes forever" thing all the time. So how do actors do it for roles so quickly? Is it just the amount of training time they have (hours a day vs someone with a normal schedule)?

    Would that help me finally start losing some weight again? Maybe I need that.

    You could have your T levels checked. Low T does cause weight issues.
    Yeah everyone does say to get blood tests. I guess maybe that's the next thing to try. It's that or starve myself one 1500 calories a day. 2100 isn't working. It's just kinda crap it's so effortless for every other dude.

    @BFDeal the reason I suggested, in other thread, if I were you I would get the blood work done is because you mentioned
    1) You weigh food. Absolutely everything. You even have a scale at work as a backup
    2) You are in Calorie Deficit.
    3) You regularly exercise and you lift weights

    The only thing that's lacking is
    4) You mentioned you haven't been to doctor for sometime now and it's probably been years that you have done your blood work.

    Buddy, it really doesn't hurt to get to know how's the blood work. For all you know it may come out perfect. Blood work is just for peace of mind if not anything.
  • PatrickWegner
    PatrickWegner Posts: 8 Member
    I just started gaining weight / muscle myself (4weeks) up 6 lbs. I'm 6'4" and 174 Lbs. currently weigh 180. Goal of 200+. Perks to my fitness pal is you can set a target weight goal and it tells you how many calories you need daily to reach that goal at 1 lbs per week. I don't do cardio cause I walk for work, and dance 8-10 hours Friday/ Saturday nights. Too much cardio and not enough calorie intake. I've been skinny my entire life and will be 39 in Aug. I weighed 190 in my military days just solid cut muscle. This program says I need 3430 calories per day to reach a goal of a lbs per week. I'm eating many of the meals Bradley Cooper used in the movie American Sniper. He bulked up 40lbs. I failed to stop and eat frequently at my job. These are big calorie meals that are healthy. Put simply more input and less output.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    OP...you are simply not in the right frame of mind to put on muscle. You are stuck in a dieters mentality and you're going to have to figure out how to get your mind right if you want to do a successful bulk.