beer lover

hello everyone, I'm new here I had my 1st son 90 days ago and I am ready to begin a new chapter. healthy living, only problem is I absolutely love beer. I know it's high in carbs and liquid calories just wondering what will help me with that issue. any suggestions welcome.


  • BrandNewMan1970
    BrandNewMan1970 Posts: 373 Member
    Hi there, feel your pain I absolutely love a good beer. I try to budget it into my plan, maybe add more exercise in those days to give me a cushion. I try to stay away from drinking Bud or miller and stick to their lighter version of that's the beer I am consuming. Most of the time it's a craft beer of some sort and try to stay 3-4 at the most. Yea it's not good for me and it chips away at my diet but I figure I am not on this earth to eat twigs and drink water. I will still do the things I enjoy in moderation.