Finding this hard

So on the 6th jan I went to my gp and asked for help. It took a lot of courage but he referred me to a consultant not had appointment through yet but should be soon. Anyway the day after seeing my doctor I decided to cut out all junk. I'm 10 stone overweight because I binge. I love fruit veg etc always eat breakfast but can eat a lot of rubbish. Anyway in 5 weeks the only junk I've had is some popcorn or wotsits. I eat no more than 2,000 calories a day.
My typical day is:
60gs bran flakes with semi skimmed milk
Banana bid morning
Home made soup consisting of carrot, onion, stock, tinned tomatoes and seasoning, then a sandwich just with wafer ham.
Evening meal of 3 chicken thighs skin removed put in a garlic juicy bag with home made wedges made with fry light.
I know 2lbs a week loss is what I should go for but I honestly thought such a drastic change in my diet the first 2 stone would be gone now.
Week 1 I lost 8lbs
Week 2 1lb
Week 3 put on 2lbs
Weeks 4 lost 5lbs
This week no loss I know that's an average of 2.5lbs but I know people my size who all lost 2 stone in the first 6 weeks.
The gp prescribed oralistat today but will that speed up my weight loss? I just desperately want to get 2 stone off. Am I being totally unrealistic?
Thanks x


  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yes, you are being totally unrealistic.

    You can't expect to lose nearly 30 pounds overnight. That's not reality. Even if you could lose that fast, it wouldn't be healthy and it wouldn't be likely to stay off. Losing slowing is the way to go if you are interesting in maintaining weight loss and having a healthy lifestyle in the long term.

    You don't mention exercise at all. What kinds of workouts are you doing?
  • mytimemfp
    mytimemfp Posts: 5 Member
    Just walking for now I want this life change just would be nice to see a good boost like all the people I know have had. I won't give up I told myself no chocolate etc until Xmas and I intend to stick to that.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    mytimemfp wrote: »
    Just walking for now I want this life change just would be nice to see a good boost like all the people I know have had. I won't give up I told myself no chocolate etc until Xmas and I intend to stick to that.

    Walking is good. I started with walking. At first I couldn't even go 20 minutes. Then it got longer and longer and I started to enjoy it and then I started to jog along for a few steps, and now I run. Not fast, but I run.

    Don't tell yourself it's hard, but don't tell yourself it's not hard, either. Tell yourself it's going to be worth it when you're healthy and fit and at a proper weight. And celebrate every little accomplishment along the way, too.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    A sustained loss rate 6 pounds a week is a bit aggressive.
    For me, with 90pounds (6 stone?) to lose, it took from June 21 to September 20 to lose the first 28 pounds.

    Are you getting enough water? (Not coffee, not tea, not diet soda - water.)
    Are you getting enough fats? With too little fat, it's difficult to feel sated, which makes portion and calorie control more difficult.

    While 2000 calories a day seems to be working for you, in the end, you must burn 3500 calories more than you take in in order to lose a pound.

    What are you doing for exercise?

    Have you considered adding in snacks like snap peas or cherry tomatoes between meals? 3 oz of snap peas has 3g of protein, 35 calories, and is very filling.

    Would you consider substituting an apple for the banana? I find the apple leaves me filling more full.

    As for treats, my opinion is that you set yourself up to binge on something if you tell yourself you can't have it "until".

    If you tend to binge, the challenge is twofold: to make excess portions harder to come by, and to not set up an allure for excess in the face of denial. Is there a shop where you can buy *one piece* of chocolate? Do you have a friend who can give you one square of chocolate so that one square is all you have available?

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are doing very well and you should feel good about your progress so far. Those stories of people losing amazing weights in short time are not the models to follow.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's not necessary to cut chocolate out completely. You can give yourself a portion every day as long as you stay within your calorie goal.
    I tried to do it your way in the past but I always ended up bingeing on the foods I eliminated.
    Your rate of weight loss is really good. If you rush your loss, and don't eat enough, again, the danger of bingeing due to hunger and deprivation.
    As long as you're at a sensible deficit, there is no need for diet pills as your hunger will be well controlled. Diet pills are pretty useless and bad for your health. You will learn a lot more about what you need without the diet pills.
    Walking everyday is great for you-you can add more later as you feel comfortable.
  • mrengineer001
    mytimemfp wrote: »
    So on the 6th jan I went to my gp and asked for help. It took a lot of courage but he referred me to a consultant not had appointment through yet but should be soon. Anyway the day after seeing my doctor I decided to cut out all junk. I'm 10 stone overweight because I binge. I love fruit veg etc always eat breakfast but can eat a lot of rubbish. Anyway in 5 weeks the only junk I've had is some popcorn or wotsits. I eat no more than 2,000 calories a day.
    My typical day is:
    60gs bran flakes with semi skimmed milk
    Banana bid morning
    Home made soup consisting of carrot, onion, stock, tinned tomatoes and seasoning, then a sandwich just with wafer ham.
    Evening meal of 3 chicken thighs skin removed put in a garlic juicy bag with home made wedges made with fry light.
    I know 2lbs a week loss is what I should go for but I honestly thought such a drastic change in my diet the first 2 stone would be gone now.
    Week 1 I lost 8lbs
    Week 2 1lb
    Week 3 put on 2lbs
    Weeks 4 lost 5lbs
    This week no loss I know that's an average of 2.5lbs but I know people my size who all lost 2 stone in the first 6 weeks.
    The gp prescribed oralistat today but will that speed up my weight loss? I just desperately want to get 2 stone off. Am I being totally unrealistic?
    Thanks x

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Look at it another way, if you keep up the weight loss you could have lost the best part of 100lbs by new year... Keep doing what you're doing it IS working!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    You lost 11 pounds in 1 month and you're unhappy about it?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yes you are being unrealistic...this is RL not The Biggest Loser with sensational losses every week.

    Calm down, stop being so impatient! You are doing extremely well, instead of being negative stop and look at what you've achieved in such a short time and congratulate yourself!

    Keep going, you will get the results you're after.

    No idea what oralistat is?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited February 2015
    Unrealistic and a bit impractical. get some perspective and pace yourself. id be rather more interested in knowing that I was going to be there at the end. Pointless comparing yourself to others like this.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    There is a quote that I see floating around here from time to time.

    "Comparison is the thief of joy"

    By worrying about how much you have lost compared to others it's causing you to miss out on being happy with the progress you have made. Adjust your expectations, don't compare yourself with others and keep doing what you are doing. If you have lost 12 pounds in a month you are obviously off to a great start.
  • moscrop_1
    Keep going
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited February 2015
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    Comparison is the thief of joy"
    I'm keeping that one. I learned this hard lesson as an artist. When I put my work out there, I have given permission to be critiqued. For sure my work is not going to be to everybody's taste, and the observer may not even be aware that the artist is standing right behind them as they give their frank comments (happened to me). In the gallery will be work that is inferior and superior to mine. Do I puff myself up with temporary pride for being better than some hack, or throw out my brushes in a pique because someone else is a genius? It's all useless emotion. Better to rate myself against myself and go for personal improvement.

    Important lesson, eh?
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Your rate of loss for the month has been fantastic. It is never linear and you expectations as others have pointed out are too high and unrealistic.

    When I first started I like you was impatient, wanted the weight gone NOW and really had no idea except the unreality of TV/weight loss gimmicks to go by and they are misleading.

    You are doing great. Keep logging on to MFP, weighing your foods etc etc, read as much as you can on here perhaps getting a supportive friend base with others who are successful and long termers will be of benefit. There may even still be a mentor programme running on here.

    Walking is a wonderful beneficial in many ways not just physically either.

    Good luck.