still eat sweet treats when I'm trying to lose weight?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm 18 this year and im trying to lose weight. However I want to eat some foods that aren't very clean too like frozen yogurt, brownies, ice cream etc. However I'm really scared that if I eat that I can't lose weight or even gain weight. How can i eat foods I loveand lose weight at the same time? I exercise a lot. Running two times a week half an hour each time, hockey training twice a week for 2 hours each and basrball training for 4 hours twice a week. It's non stop physical training too. But exercise can't really outdo a bad diet so I'm not sure what to do.

    I'm going to give you a little visual I've been posting the last couple of days.

    Just maintain a reasonable calorie deficit from maintenance and...

    Eat more of this...


    and more of this...


    and less of this...


    while occasionally indulging in this....


    All the while making sure you do plenty of this...


    and this...


    While keeping this to a minimum...


    It's really that simple...
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    To eat the sweets and still lose weight I would say eating the sweet and then exercising off the calories the sweet had could help. Such as if you wanted to drink a soda that had 170 calories, I would suggest you do something to burn the 170 calories you would be taking in by drinking the soda.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    The way I see it? If you tell yourself a certain food (or group of foods) is off limits, you're setting yourself up for a binge later. You think dieticians don't eat a cookie or piece of cake now and then? Meh.

    There's nothing wrong with having a treat a few times a week. As long as you eat healthy/clean 90% of the time and it fits within your calorie limits? Enjoy!

    Life is too short.

    My philoshy as well. Plenty of room for a couple treats a week. Just keep it in check.
  • sallyracket
    sallyracket Posts: 4 Member
    If you can - avoid the fake stuff. The low cal, fat free stuff is loaded with extra sugar. This makes me crave more because it is sweeter and full of gross chemicals anyway.

    Budget your calories and you can enjoy a small portion of REAL food. Even real chocolate and real ice cream can fit in there.

    Also - there is a great recipe around for black bean brownies. They're a bit more filling and have some protein to boot.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If you can - avoid the fake stuff. The low cal, fat free stuff is loaded with extra sugar. This makes me crave more because it is sweeter and full of gross chemicals anyway.

    Budget your calories and you can enjoy a small portion of REAL food. Even real chocolate and real ice cream can fit in there.

    Also - there is a great recipe around for black bean brownies. They're a bit more filling and have some protein to boot.

    This is an example of food that isn't real:


    Here are examples of foods that are real:



    Therefore, the only way food isn't real is if it exists solely in that magical realm called our imagination.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    My philosophy is a simple one - Everything in moderation is fair game :)
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Don't forget there are a lot of healthy sweet treats out there! Extra ripe strawberries, blueberries and pineapple are my fav. If you're craving a carb treat try oatmeal banana cookies, but beware they are addicting.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    well mfp gives you an amount of calories to stay within. So just let it know what weight you wanna be and it will calculate how many cals u should eat and as long as you stay within that amount and keep exercising that will do the trick, i mean i do that and i even eat my exercise cals most days and i have lost 17.5lbs in about 4 months so far.
    good luck!
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    If you can - avoid the fake stuff. The low cal, fat free stuff is loaded with extra sugar. This makes me crave more because it is sweeter and full of gross chemicals anyway.

    Budget your calories and you can enjoy a small portion of REAL food. Even real chocolate and real ice cream can fit in there.

    Also - there is a great recipe around for black bean brownies. They're a bit more filling and have some protein to boot.

    This is an example of food that isn't real:


    Here are examples of foods that are real:



    Therefore, the only way food isn't real is if it exists solely in that magical realm called our imagination.

    this made me smile and laugh! lol that is true. moderation and you can eat whatever you want but also get the healthy foods in as well. lol
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    i eat sweets all the time and don't plan on ever stopping.

    just fit them into your calorie goals, but you definitely need to eat these with moderation while you are cutting

    edit to say: if you still have a problem meeting your calorie goals incorporating sweets, then try finding another source of a sugar rush, i personally find grapes to be just as sweet and satisfying as any piece of cake.
  • Tomhoffman84
    I eat sweet treats daily.

    Like i'll crush 2-3 servings of frozen yogurt in a day 2-3 days a week while its in the house. I don't mess with the baked goods too often, though I am a "bar" addict, so I eat at least 2 bars a day between meals...they are just more nutritious sweet treats.

    The point is, going into this by denying yourself things you like is not going to create lasting change. You have to find what works for you and you can maintain over time, not what helps you lose 5lbs this month then put it back 3 months later.
  • slporter0003
    As long as it's within your calorie goal you can eat what you like. Healthy foods will fuel your body better and stop you feeling hungry but so called treats in moderation are fine.

    ^^ This
    I personally will not cut out treats because in the past that is exactly when I end up binging on sweets. My personal motto is I will not do "OR" not do anything I won't do when I reach goal. I won't give up sweets now and I won't give up sweets when I reach goal. The only difference is I won't eat half a cake in one sitting now, but one slice.
  • aliceb39
    aliceb39 Posts: 84 Member
    I have a sweet tooth and I eat something sweet every day. As others have said, it's moderation. I don't have 2 glasses of milk and 6 cookies anymore, but I do enjoy a 1/2 or 1/4 cup of milk and 1 cookie. I'll exercise more when I have something high-calorie planned (like birthday cake) or I'll splurge on something decadent when I happen to have done some unplanned major exercise. Don't skimp on your fruits and veggies, though. They will fill you up with less calories and carbs than junk food does. Also, I have virtually given up soda - too many calories without filling you up at all. But I did manage to squeeze in a huckleberry soda last week - I drank 8 ounces of it and gave the other 12 ounces to my hubby. Sometimes, just a bite or two (or a sip or two) is enough, so try sharing goodies with someone or portioning them out. If you don't already have one, get a digital scale. I eat a 1/2 ounce of chips, when most bags say that 1 or 1.5 ounces is a serving. Good luck to you!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I'm 18 this year and im trying to lose weight. However I want to eat some foods that aren't very clean too like frozen yogurt, brownies, ice cream etc. However I'm really scared that if I eat that I can't lose weight or even gain weight. How can i eat foods I loveand lose weight at the same time? I exercise a lot. Running two times a week half an hour each time, hockey training twice a week for 2 hours each and basrball training for 4 hours twice a week. It's non stop physical training too. But exercise can't really outdo a bad diet so I'm not sure what to do.

    I'm going to give you a little visual I've been posting the last couple of days.

    Just maintain a reasonable calorie deficit from maintenance and...

    Eat more of this...


    and more of this...


    and less of this...


    while occasionally indulging in this....


    All the while making sure you do plenty of this...


    and this...


    While keeping this to a minimum...


    It's really that simple...

    Love this!!!!

    I still eat sweets. However, I watch my portions and eat within my calorie budget. If I denied myself sweets then I'd be setting myself up for failure.

    ETA: I do stay away from trigger sweets - sweets I can't eat just one of. I can't eat just one Krispy Kreme donut so I stay away from them. Same with soda. If I have any I'll be craving it for 3 weeks.
  • T1C3
    T1C3 Posts: 1
    I would get into making nutritional shakes, one for breakfast, one for lunch, and eat what ever you want for dinner. They way you workout and constant activity, you'll be good to go.
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    You can still consume the occasional sweet treat and still maintain your weight loss. However, I have a huge sweet tooth and there are some things that will just send me sliding down a slippery slope when it comes to treats. So the "rule" I have for myself is to not bother eating a dessert/candy/etc. unless I feel it's worth it.

    Ex. Boring slab cake from the grocery store = not worth eating b/c the pleasure that I might get from it isn't worth the calories, but delicious pastry from my favourite french bakery = hook me up! I'm going to savour every bite and enjoy it so much that the calories somehow seem worth it.

    I also find I feel less guilt if I really enjoyed the treat as opposed to eating a mediocre one just because it's there or was offered to me.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    With how active you are, I say enjoy your treats. As long as you are getting in adequate protein and fat, and plenty of fruits and veggies, I see little harm in it. You are probably torching calories if you are as active as you say you are. I used to regularly eat cookies, chocolate and cake while out biking a lot, along with my healthy foods, and lost a lot of weight in spite of. Now I treat myself to ice cream or waffles and ice cream or some other such thing once a week and get by the rest of the time with a little 81% dark chocolate, nuts and dried fruit as healthier snacks.
  • aquinoz
    aquinoz Posts: 182 Member
    You could eat all the junk you want, but make sure to meet your macro, micro, and fiber goals.
  • belinus
    belinus Posts: 112 Member
    What I do is I turn sweets and stuff into food/exercise transactions. For example, say I want ice cream. I make myself walk about two miles to the dairy store run by the local university and takes roughly 40 minutes to make the walk. Each trip burns about 400 calories for me so, unless I go off the deep end at the ice cream place, when I get back home the calories from the ice cream are burned off already.

    I did this last week because I knew Wednesday was going to be awful for eating as it was my birthday so I planned ahead and walked almost 3 hours that morning.

    Keep in mind that a) you should not exercise only to allow yourself to eat sweets but rather regularly, b) this kind of exchange is should be an occasional thing, and c) still keep the amount of sweets and stuff you eat when you do make this transaction to a moderate level and not as a blank check to order half the menu at McDonalds or something. And as others have suggested, there are some good substitutes for sweets you can integrate into your dietary changes on a more regular basis.

    And it does work. That aforementioned birthday meal was absolutely horrid in terms of calories and fat but when I weighed in today I was 8lbs less than I was last Monday.
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Ive lost 30lbs and I havent had one week go by when I didnt eat something naughty!! haha...The key with it all is not getting trapped in that cycle of eating mindlessly in front of the tv. but rather, having that one special thing and calling it good. Good luck!!