I need friends. wow that sounded needy lol

Hi my name is Jessica, I'm currently working on losing at least 150 pounds before the end of next year. It is so hard to do. I refuse to put my weight on here cause its very bad. I'm first working on 40 pounds to lose by the end of December because once I do lose 40 to 45 pounds I will be approved for my bariatric surgery, which I've been wanting for over 10 years, trying to get done for a year though. I always thought it was easier to lose weight with friends. if you want to add me, you're more than welcome to! I dont necessarily really have any friends in my area. I cant get out much because I can't drive. I'm hoping some people add me, Thank you! :happy:


  • skinnyme444
    I know how hard it is to build up friends on this amd it's true, doing this with friends on MFP really help :-) they're so inspirational and motivating! I'll post on my wall for people to add you sure :-)
  • SuperWomen87

    i have just started today feel free to add me
  • kannh89
    kannh89 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey anyone can add me :-)