Afraid to up calories

So I've lost 15kg so far, 10 in the last 8 weeks. But I've started to plateau, No weight change and no measurement changes, I do weight training and mix it up with some cardio. It has been suggested to me that I should up my calorie intake to lose weight. I'm currently only havabout animus of 1400 a day then minus any exercise.
The problem is, that I'm afraid to up it. This sounds silly, but I'm in the right mindset and I'm scared that if I up it and gain a little to start off with that I'll lose motivation and stop altogether. I'm also not hungry, so don't know how I could physically up my calorie intake.
What are other peoples experiences after increasing their calorie intake? Do you gain before you lose, or do you go straight into losing?


  • mmikesell1
    mmikesell1 Posts: 7 Member
    I upped my calories and finally broke through my plateau and lost my last 5 pounds. I use to eat around 1,500 calories a day and when I upped to 1,800 - 1,900 I dropped a pound or so a week until I reached my goal. Now I'm maintaning my weight at 1,900 - 2,200 calories a day. I'm 34, 5 feet 4 inches tall and 125 pounds. I have a desk job but work out 5 to 6 days a week. I'll do 40 minutes of cardio (usally running, but I also mix it up a couple times a week) and I also lift weights 5 days a week. When I was eating 1,500 a day, I wasn't taking in enough calories for my workouts. I was stuck at 130 for months until I upped my calories. When you up your calories it might take a week or two to start seeing results but it does work. So depending on how many calories you are taking in now and how much you work out, you might need to up yours to break through your plateau as well. Good Luck! Oh, and I did not gain before I started to lose. I stayed the same for a week or two and then started to lose a pound or 2 each week until I reached my goal. I upped my calories about 100 a day each week until I hit about 1,900 a day.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I know, it can be really scary because it feels like you're going to gain weight. I went through the same thing, but I'm very glad I did - it feels like the weight is melting off now. Do it slowly - up it by 50 or 100 calories for a few days, and then up it again by another small amount. That way, you're less likely to face the weight gain that can come from upping calories too quickly.