nervous doing reverse diet ....has this worked for you?

I have been on diets since I was 14 ( x-gymnast) I recall that first diet - egg for brekkie, tuna salad for lunch, slice of cheese and apple for snack, grilled fish and broccoli for supper. I lasted only a few days. Since then have done it all (except pills) low fat, low calories, low carb, paleo, 5/2, vego, and always exercised everyday -- a lot. And it all involved huge struggle and slow and small payoff. I always had ten pds to lose.. sort of kept weight at bay. But I had weird times in my life where even with low cals and lots of training my weight went up inexplicably. My thyroid was radiated 20 years ago - and I have come to terms sort of of having a super slow metabolism, in a famine I will be the last to stand. I seriously eat about 1000 calories a day and exercise so I burn about 350 p day, theoretically I should be a waif - I am a chubby anorexic - . Turning big 50 and it happened again weight up - now I have 20pds to lose. New trainer wants me get my metabolism fixed so I am doing reverse diet - I have to eat and just maintain my weight. My hubby thinks this is dangerous and people don't believe that I only eat about 600 net cals a day ( afterall I don't look like I am starving) . I especially get annoyed when naturally skinny folks share their wisdom ( have you tried cutting out sugar?? HA!) I would very happy to be able to eat again - I am tired of being food phobic, I want to enjoy food not stress over it but I want to be slim and fit. Can I have both?? Anyone else with a similar struggle?


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroid & Hyperthyroid group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and I lost weight just like everybody else—by eating fewer calories than I burn. For me, learning to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly led to weight loss (and now maintenance).

    Netting 600 calories a day is seriously unhealthy. Have you spoken to your GP & endocrinologist? And please find a therapist who specializes in disordered eating. You deserve to be healthy & happy.
  • fital2015
    fital2015 Posts: 6 Member
    I had Graves' disease ( 20yrs ago) and after my thyroid was irradiated my metabolism has slowed to crawl but my blood tests indicate everything is normal. I am working with trainer who had similar issue. Now I am eating 1100 calories now and doing no exercise is what he has advised. I usually do 4 Bikram Yoga classes a week.
  • eccentric88
    eccentric88 Posts: 36 Member
    I think severe diets are not good as the body goes on starvation mode and saves everything it can this is where it goes into storing your food when you start to eat right to fat. I am a 54 yr old with health issues, one of my issues (not the major) is thyroid, metabolism slow. I was told that the speed it up you eat healthy but every 2-3 hours. I have tried this and it works. I feel eating balanced is the answer many a person gets tried and sick from too much diet. Asians are known for this. Speed is not the goal, long term slow weight loss is. But, with exersize you know comes weight gain, as you form those muscles. I would tone and eat healthy. If you like to know more ask me what healthy eating looks like.