ED Recovery Support?

Hello hello! I've been having a rough time lately so I figured I'd post here and see what happens, if anything o:)

TL;DR: Looking for weightloss/motivation/recovery buddy. Msg me for kik or add me on here!

For a lil history; My name is Rowan, I'm 18, and I have a really awful relationship with food. Never diagnosed or hospitalized but I've been all over the map with my body and my habits, mainly going back and forth between binge & overeating and starving myself. My highest weight was about 260lbs when I was 14-15 and my lowest was a very bony, very unhealthy, very gross 185lbs at 16-17.

Fast forward to now! After a stressful few months I noticed I've been (subconsciously) not eating, resulting in about 10-15lbs of weight loss (I believe I'm about 225-220lbs). Might sound great but it's scary for me! Normally this is where I'd go crazy and start binge eating it all back on orrrrr I'd just keep starving myself... but I really want to take this as an opportunity to get a grip and make some healthy, long-lasting changes for myself.
I've been doing okay but I don't really have any support and it's hard for me to navigate needing to EAT to LOSE.

Sooooo this is why I'm making a post! I was wondering if there's anyone here who'd like to start chatting and keeping tabs on eachother, I guess what you might call a motivation buddy or whatever. I'd prefer someone who's also overweight and also has food issues they're working through but feel free to add me if that isn't you, I'm open to meeting all sorts of new people! The only thing I won't tolerate is any encouragement of unhealthy habits. I do that enough for meself, thank you :#

Have a lovely day everybody! x