Scale is stuck

The scale is stuck for me has been for several weeks.. Lost 10 pounds..then wam it stopped.. I workout 5-6 days a week.. and up to 900-1000 calories burned each time. (started at 500 calories burned)I have increased my calorie intake by 100 for each meal...but I am still stuck..I am getting tired of salads and chicken so moved to turkey as well.. I dont eat bread, pastas, except for the occasional extreme wellness wrap....until recently I have began struggling with energy during the workout...adding a very small amount of carbs in whole grain bread before I get on has helped dramatically.. But now I am stuck.. I have read about plateauing.. Can someone explain what that is...and how do I get past it.. I dont have the luxury of a gym... But I do have a bowflex..and have started running instead of just the treadclimber, to raise my heart rate... but I am getting frustrated..the scale wont move.. What am I doing wrong? Am I eating too much? Am I eating too little..Not sure If I can eat anymore...Are my meals too high? 300-400 calories per meal.. lots of sugar...Ugg what am I doing wrong?


  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Your diary isn't open so we can't see what your total calorie intake is. Judging by some of your response you are also focusing on a few details that are irrelevant to weight loss..

    Weight loss all comes down to creating a calorie over time. How long did it take you lose the 10 lbs, and how long have you been at your current weight?
  • Kvose70
    Kvose70 Posts: 19
    I lost 14 pounds since the first week of May..Have been at this weight since My son has been born.. He is 16 months now..My calorie intake is 1100-1400 depending on the day.with 900 calories burned daily 5-6 days a week.. Is my average ..
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    One thing is to remember is to drink your water every day... keep hydrated.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    If you're weighing and measuring ALL of your intake accurately,

    If you have both your TDEE and exercise calories burned correct, and

    If you are eating at a deficit,

    Then you will lose weight. Be patient through those occasional periods where the scale doesn't move. The body will hold onto water sometimes as the fat comes off and then you will see a sudden drop. It happened to me when I was initially losing and it happens to me now during cut phases. Be patient.

    If, however, you are not doing the above, then that is your problem. My suggestion is to lay everything out for yourself and take an honest assessment. You know exactly what you're doing better than anyone else. Do your homework.
  • Kvose70
    Kvose70 Posts: 19
    I am tracking everything efficiently... So I know my numbers are very close... Sometimes I even go over my calorie intake, just to be safe cause I forgot to measure that chicken breast.. etc.. Unless fitnesspal's calorie count on foods are low.. and so far have found that its pretty accurate on most That would be the only thing off.. I know I am staying hydrated...I have to get off of the treadmill half way through to use the restroom.. and can go anywhere without having to use it as well..

    Thank you everybody for the replies...I really appreciate it..
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I lost 14 pounds since the first week of May..Have been at this weight since My son has been born.. He is 16 months now..My calorie intake is 1100-1400 depending on the day.with 900 calories burned daily 5-6 days a week.. Is my average ..

    So your net intake is 200-500 calories per day, 5-6 days a week?

    How long have you been eating at that big a deficit?
    How tall are you, how close to your goal are you?
  • Kvose70
    Kvose70 Posts: 19
    I have been eating at that deficit for about 5 weeks now.. I am almost 5'9, and I am a ways from my goal.. 30 pounds...I do have small mini goals that I work towards leading up to the largest...but cant seem to make those as the scale is stuck..I do however feel a difference in my clothes and do feel better physically...but would like the scale to move a little would be nice. :D
  • jess_fowler
    jess_fowler Posts: 16 Member
    You mentioned you are burning 900-1000 calories per workout and calorie intake is 1100-1400 daily. Are you eating back those exercise calories? If not, your net calories for the day are too low.
    I had the same problem in the beginning when I was doing a lot of cardio. I lost a bunch at first but then completely stalled. I started eating more and then started losing again. Seems backward, I know, but there are tons of threads about this and it really does work. Also, take your measurements and pictures. The scale is the easiest place to see weight loss, but your body may be changing in ways that aren't reflected on the scale.