Anybody from the Balkans??

Hello guys, I'm new here, and I'm from Bosnia. So I was wondering if there is anyone from this region to ask some questions regarding our meals, and all that food we can't find on my fitness pal.


  • wick3tgirl
    wick3tgirl Posts: 47 Member
    hi, I'm from Slovenia and I've been using my fitness pal since January. how can i help you?
  • NonaEv
    NonaEv Posts: 20
    Hey, thanks for answering! :D I'm not sure if you know anything about this but do you know under which name I can find homemade chicken soup, since I doubt the calories are the same as the one from the bag....
  • wick3tgirl
    wick3tgirl Posts: 47 Member
    --sorry I haven't answered in so long, the notifications get a bit lost on mobile.--

    hmm, yeah with homecooked meals I weigh every ingredient separately when cooking. when all is cooked I guess how much of the entire portion I actually ate.
    or if it is already cooked I pick a dish that is similar and add it with a bit more servings. like the chicken soup, vegetable 1 cup - I make it 3 cups, so I'm on the safe side :)
    - with the chicken itself I add it when it's cooked & weigh it then, I think there is an entry that fits this description. I am lossing weight for over 50 days now, so this method works for me, hopefully it would be helpful for you too :)

    you can add me as a friend if you wanna se my dairy - it's in a mix of languages: english, slovene, german (for the things I buy in spar & scan the barcode).