Advice please?



  • aidendart
    aidendart Posts: 32 Member
    I got rid of my pregnancy stretch marks ( that were purple) with a stratch mark cream the main ingredient was emu oil. You can feel them now but they are barely there. Also make sure to avoid the sun. They make all scars worse. Hope that helps.
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    A very helpful reply, thank you. I will make sure I do all those things + drink lot's of water! I try to not let it bother me, I just think if I get loose skin AND have stretch marks... I'm doomed... no girl will touch me with a barge pole.

    I appreciate all replies (-:

    My husband lost 200 lbs before I ever met him so he has a lot of loose skin and stretch marks. I think he's the sexiest man alive. That kind of stuff won't matter in the least to the right woman for you, so don't let it get in your way!
  • shazamm20
    shazamm20 Posts: 2 Member
    OP, I dropped 40 lbs a few months back, unfortunately through a little too much leniency in my diet and exercise routine I put about 25 pounds back on (which I'm now working on getting back off) but a whole lot of it is in the kind of work outs you're doing, depending on your height and recommended body weight compared to where you were when you started, it's going to take time for things to tighten up.

    It took me 6 months to drop all that weight and I started out just a little lighter than you were when you started. I would reiterate working on not just cardio, but muscle strengthening workouts. Maybe run for like 30 minutes and then get in a full body workout. I found Circuits to be extremely useful in working multiple body groups and not just dropping the weight, but tightening the muscle under the skin.

    A whole lot of extra info is available free on

    They post recipes that help build muscle, have lots of good workouts, tips from pros and success stories from people that have gotten where they want to be from a bad place.

    Those are all things that helped me. Stretch marks are going to happen, especially if you drop a lot of weight in a small period of time. I would suggest a number of creams for that if you're feeling self-conscious.

    The amount of weight you've already dropped is definitely something to be proud of, keep it up because no matter if you don't end up looking exactly the way you've envisioned under everything, you're still significantly better off than you were when you first started.

    Keep up all the great work!
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    This helped take the redness away from my awesome scar...I imagine it would help with stretch marks as well.

    Pick up some Vitamin E capsules, the ones with the liquid insides. Poke with a pin and squeeze the liquidy goo out on to your skin. it'll have a sticky consistency of thick shampoo. Try it twice a day, it should help :)
  • Supremacy88
    Wow lot's of replies haha. OK...

    rmsturdy - Thank you, I have been recommended Mederma & Cocoa Butter (which I have also been told smells VERY nice haha) I'm glad that I can still get abs, while I have lost some of the last bit of weight, I have been resistance training and would like to continue with that after I have reached my goal and I just want to transform myself as much as possible for the better. Yes you are also right about how skin can take time for it to catch up, I need to be patient I suppose. Thanks so much.

    Pamela_1404 - Hello! I do crunches and I also do planks daily. I have noticed improvement from both because the more I have been doing it, the more I can do also! I think the first plank I did lasted maybe 20 seconds - I can do them upto 2 minutes now. I will definitely be getting a lotion. I did lose weight at first quickish, maybe 3 lb a week. I'm aiming for 1 lb a week now. Thanks a ton for your helpful reply.

    fooninie - I guess you are right there, thank you. I lift weights 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week, for an hour each atleast. & thank you (-: I'll try to not let the stretch marks bother me as much.

    Bacardibarker - I am proud of myself for my weightloss and I can't get enough of the compliments I get. Especially about my jawline haha. Thank you. Hopefully when they go white/silvery they will be less noticeable. I will definitely be talking to the gym staff and the doctor when I next need to go, thank you (-: I drink about 10 pints of water a day atleast. Thanks again for the compliments. (-:

    jakkisr - Really? Glad it's normal... I think I can only grab maybe 1 cm, 2 at the most. I know it's going to take alot of hard work and time. I will also stop pulling on it I think haha. Thank you. Think I'm going to get a olive oil cream tomorrow, thank you for all your nice replies.

    aidendart - That definitely helped thank you. I'll be buying a cream tomorrow too.

    omydaughter - 200lb? What an achievement, you must be proud. My overall target is 70lb. Thank you, I will try (-:

    shazamm20 - I'm 6 ft, so not too short. I have 2 more stone to lose (Which will be 12 stone) and I was 17 stone. I try to tighten the skin at the same time with resistance training 3 times a week. Thanks for the website you posted! I shall be getting a cream too. I am proud of myself, didn't think I was going to be able to do it because I have been trying to lose weight for a couple of years and I've finally found a strategy that works for me. You are correct, eitherway I shall still be fitter and more healthy. Thank you.

    sk_pirate - Oh really? I have never heard of that method before, I will 100% check it out, thanks a ton!

    Lot's of replies haha. Thanks so much, definitely boosted some confidence.